Hello, I wonder if anybody is in the same situation. So when I do anything I ALWAYS try to think about a positive memory and it seems like I live in a past memories all the time. I try not to think about the people or places that reminds me a negative memory and I do it in order to avoid anything bad that may happen to my loved ones. If I think about a bad memory I immediately try to change it in a positive one. Hope you understand what I mean. My brain in on fire I can’t go on like this anymore, please help me
Does anybody has the same problem? - My OCD Community
Does anybody has the same problem?

I have this problem too.. I seem to live in the past all the time as well. Are you on medication for your OCD or doing therapy?
You’re not alone! I definitely understand. You’re gonna be ok 💗
I don’t take any medication now because I think it doesn’t work in my situation at all. Yes I have a very good therapist but because it cost a lot I don’t manage to go to her very often but it is the only thing that helps me a lot but IDK if I ever remove OCD from my life. How old are you? I’m 23
21. You should ask your therapist what you can do for the times you are apart and cannot afford therapy. Do your parents pay for it? PM me!
Yes my parents pay for it and I feel uncomfortable because of it
Well therapy helps? Why is that uncomfortable
Dear Ni123, I can relate to your problem (compare my own post from Nov. 29). But from an outside, non-OCD perspective, why and how would a random bad memory that passes through your mind - as memories do - affect a loved one? We have good and bad memories - you do, your loved ones do, they are part of us as human beings. Our minds are always full of random stuff. The more you try not to think of something, the more it tends to pop up in your mind. That is how intrusive thoughts (or memories) work. If you cannot see your therapist on a regular basis, maybe reading books by OCD specialists can be a help in the meantime? "Overcoming unwanted intrusive thoughts" by Sally Winston & Martin Seif might be the one that could help you change your perspective on those memories, and take some of the fear that comes with them from you. I wish you all the best!
Hi I’ve just read your post and it seems like we both have the same kind of OCD and I would be glad to get to know you better and to share our experience to each other. English isn’t my native language too