I’m struggling with physical symptoms of anti-depressants. Have moved to sertraline from mirtazapine but I suffer from fatigue, ringing in my ears, dizziness and erratic sleeping. Making me anxious as want to get back to work and lead a normal life. Also I don’t know whether it’s depression or menopause. I just don’t feel like me any more and been suffering for 12 months.
Struggling with physical symptoms - Mental Health Sup...
Struggling with physical symptoms
If your problem is Menopause your Doctor can arrange treatment. Discuss that with him.
You are also mentioning AD MEDICATIONS and their side effects. If you look in the boxes of your medications you will find a list of negative side effects.
Sometimes with Depression or Anxiety you can suffer from sleepness nights.
to a feeling of low mood and similar at work. Have you talked to your Doctor with all this unsettled feelings you have. Your Doctor can decide on a treatment pathway suitable for you. Have you tried Mindfulness and possible breathing techniques to help you Mindfulness seems to work for many people it is a Relaxation Technique and it does sometimes help. Books available on Amazon. Give it a try
Did these symptoms start after changing your medication? You could be experiencing withdrawal symptoms. You'll want to talk to your doctor asap so they can slowly ween you off of your old medication.