I feel too much, I'd cry over the tiniest of things and have my eyes bloodshot red from crying every single day. How does one stop feeling so much and being overly sensitive?
Too emotional: I feel too much, I'd cry... - Mental Health Sup...
Too emotional

I am like really sensitive as well you should know what triggers you and avoid it .
Perfect response Hiba
Are there any reasons why you tear up, if it is happening frequently contact your Doctor and explain your problem. Write down the questions you need to have asked, this will help you explain your needs and pain.
There are treatments to lift your mood
Hi borderrriever
I love your response, it factual but it came to me. The one who posted it is new here, he might not have seen it, please don't forget to resend it to him because it is a good advice

Thank you 🙏
Hiba has the best advise for you. Sorry you cry a lot. There is no better thing to do like avoiding what hurts you. You need to Lookout for yourself the most.
Please read my reply to zoom I sent it to the wrong contributor, it may help
Hi Jolly,
Hiba's advice is indeed Good advice. For me, it's the first sign I'm sinking into depression so I will be back on the meds.
Please go and see your doctor.

Thank you so much, everyone. I did not expect to get so many responses. Despite my name, I can be extremely sensitive at times. lol.
I will take Bob's advice and get a medical professional's opinion.
I suffer from Fibromyalgia and anxiety so depression is not far away.
But I hate myself for being so emotional and wish to be a person who was unbothered.
Once again, thankyou so much everyone
These responses have me smiling ear to ear !
Hi, i suffer from eupd. I like to have a roar(cry) at the stupidest things and sometimes i cry at absolutely nothing. I used to avoid it because i didn't want to feel weak (as a bloke) and i did not want people to see me upset. If im feeling too sensitive have to go and do something gnarly and go out of my skateboard to scare myself a bit or on my bike. I found that exercise, even just going for a walk really helps me not think and start breathing. I now find that if i allow myself to start feeling irritated and stressed about stuff i have to balance it the other way, and if what's needed is a good cry. I then "Disney hut myself" by watching Shrek or watership down etc.. It always a film i know so i know and can control the outcome.. i have a good roar(cry) then i feel better about stuff.
My ratio seems to be 80% sensitive 20% irritated.
I learnt in therapy is to find you triggers and have a plan to deal with them in a non-destructive way. Peace x.
I’m like this too. Did you guys know there’s something called “highly sensitive person”? Maybe that’s what you are too
Hello Jolly My response takes a different approach from the others and may seem counter intuitive. I recognize that you seem to be in pain due to what you feel is too much sensitivity. You also mentioned you hate yourself. When I read that my heart absolutely broke to hear you feeling this way about youself. I feel deeply affected by it and I don't even know you. I have been told I am too sensitive a million times. I also cry a lot.
And I love that about myself. I have the ability to tune into my patient's needs better than my coworkers because of my sensitivity. Crying helps me process negative emotions. I have to exercise some control of course, being that I work in a professional setting.
I also used to hate myself and my sensitivity. But it ended up being one of my best qualities.
So I'm wondering, would you ever consider embracing it? Maybe talking with a counselor to learn how to balance it out so you're not overwhelmed?
I think sensitivity is beautiful

I think so too that it is a beautiful thing, to be gentle and kind. That is what makes us human.
I have started talking to a counselor to learn about my triggers. Thankyou so much for your kind words. I am in awe, of each and every comment.