Hello to whoever ends up reading this! My name is Shelby, Im a 24 year old white female who is a certified pharmacy technician. I have been losing my mind over this quarantine and have been doing some google deepdiving, which is one of my favorite pass times because i looove learning. I came across an article that describes HF autism in females. Ive never thought that i could possibly have autism but here I am writing this. It more peaked my interest when it started noting the possible notions on if someone could have it. 1: having an eating disroder, when i was a teen i suffered with binge eating. 2: obsessive traits over specific things, I am OBSESSED with learning about space, true crime, pharmacy, sharks, collecting books. 3: sensory issues, this one hits the strongest for me, i cant eat hummus bc the nasty sandy texture, i hate HATE the feeling of microfiber, fingerpainting is a huge no no, any touch if paper with wet hands specifically, even rougher paper towels, the list really goes on. I was wondering if anyone with HF autism was diagnosed late and how they went about with testing. Thanks so much.
Possible female with high functioning... - Mental Health Sup...
Possible female with high functioning autism?
Hi you need to see a doctor and get a definite diagnosis. That is the first thing to do.
i plan on seeking for a doctor after corona is past!
Good. Very wise to put it off until this dreadful virus passes. Stay safe and well. x
You could try phoning the Surgery and getting a telephone appointment. If you will that urgent need
Talk to your Doctor make a list explaining your problems etc and explain why you feel HF Autism.
I had problems last year, it was found I had problems retaining Short Term Memories, I was checked for Dementia and they found it was caused by something unrelated to that.
These types of treatment/tests are performed over a five week period. However Autism in an Adult can be hard to diagnose, it will take time, also did you have any problems as a child or is your problem a new worry you have down to Anxiety.
Hello ShelbyBay..u should be able to go to ur primary care physician n speak about ur concerns n ask for testing for "autism spectrum".Wish u luck.
Speak to your GP 1st & tell them all your concerns, they'll then decide if it's a strong case to go on to the Mental Health team for the 1st stage of assessment, if so they'll go in depth & decide whether or not to refer you to the actual team or not
I know this as I'm @ the final stage myself as there's a very strong chance that I've got some form of it & have had it since I was a child as I tick so many boxes than you do