For years I’ve had issues with eating, it’s always been a coping mechanism for me, and after lots of self hate because of it I did some research and really do think that I have binge eating disorder, it’s something I don’t like to think about myself cuz it makes it real, even writing this I find myself procrastinating it and getting distracted by things around me, I recently brought it up to my therapist stating why I thought so and she kind of shut it down and just said I was unhealthy and had disordered eating and I just need to eat better, but like I feel it in my heart that it’s more than that, and I just don’t know what to do or who to go to for help just in general cuz I do like my therapist and we’ve invested a lot of time together (over a year and a half) and she’s helped me through a lot and really just gets me but idk if I’m just being over dramatic, idk just idk
Help with eating disorder, triggering... - Mental Health Sup...
Help with eating disorder, triggering I guess? Don’t read if it’ll upset you please

Hello again Malumaf, firstly let me thank you for thinking of others in your heading to this post. That was very thoughtful of you. The comment you made about your therapist and her dismissing your remark says more about her than you. Have you thought that maybe as a person she couldn't deal with that point you made? it may have struck a cord in her that made her uncomfortable. As you have a good relationship with her don't take her comment to heart please as you are doing so well.
Have you thought about speaking with your GP about this issue? They could point you towards a dietician if they think it is necessary.
I have included a few websites that you could look at before speaking with the doctor if you would like to.
Please keep in touch with us all on the community we are all here for you and would like to hear how you got on. Best wishes.
MAS Nurse. Helpline: 0808 801 0677.
Thank you so much for the resources, I have thought about it but I’m also considering just finding a new gp cuz mine just doesn’t really sit and talk to me, but maybe if I find a new one, I also find it so hard cuz my insurance only covers so much, I got a test for strep and it cost me $100
Wow that is tough. We are so lucky here in the Uk not having to pay for healthcare, though there are many areas particularly mental health which have poor funding and long waiting times.
I agree with MAS_Nurse about your therpist . When it is an opportune moment seeing as you have been working so well together I might bring up with her how you feel about her reaction and ask her to explain to you why she reacted like that. It would open up the dialogue for you . One piece of advice given to me which was golden was never to hold back with your therapist. I always say exactly how I am feeling and I think that it is therapy and I am paying so whereas in real life I might be polite or let something go in therapy I mention it (not aggressively; just mention it) as it can be important to the process not to hold back on your feelings and therapy is THE most appropriate place to work with ALL of your feelings. x
I know you’re right but it is just so hard to just be completely open cuz I guess I fear being put away cuz I’m just not stable enough or something
Yes I know what you mean. Maybe just do it when you are ready but if you are not ready that is still ok. Main thing is to look after yourself. If you did decide to broach anything you could say you were worried about being seen as unstable but would still like to say what you thought about something. It's best to be controlled about things I must admit. They don't seem to take well to any "outbursts" of anger. I don't know you at all and to be honest haven't read your other posts yet, though I will in a minute. I'm being a bit lazy x
Haha I understand I’m always lazy, ya idk I’ve kept a few secrets from my therapist that I don’t wanna say on a public thing cuz it’s triggering but I didn’t say them for fear I would just be locked away instantly