Hi everyone
Having a rough few days! Hate to bother the Dr or anyone else if I can help it! Sometimes think they look at my records & say, 'Oh she's got mental health issues & is probably exaggerating!?! Why do I bother!! I only have one side of my body that works, now damaged the only side that dioes & didn't get a carer again!!!! Feel like giving up, as don't want to be a burden to anyone!!!
Was trying to fix myself some lunch yesterday which I don't usually do cos often I forget, or don't have the energy! I know I'm supposed eat with my medication, but it's hard as have suffered with eating issues since my teens! I just don't get the feelings of hunger& my medication has made me put on weight, which I hate!
Unfortunately I burnt my leg (the only one I can feel) with some boiling water when trying to get the egg boiler out of the microwave! Whoa did it burn!! I used my lifeline & they told me to call my Gp why have lifeline if you can't use it!! So I had to wait til after 2pm as they close for lunch! Finally got hold of the receptionist told me to get to Dr, but had no one to take me, So offered to send email with photo bug they said couldn't do that & would try, try to get a district nursery me, but couldn't promise she would!!!
Eventually a Dr phoned me at 5pm saying a district nurse would only visit if the Dr saw me, could tell he didn't really want to come so offered to send photo via email again!! Dr thought was good idea, so sent 5 photos & Dr phoned saying I had partial thickness burns & needed treatment so would send district nurse! Finally some help!! Eventually got call from D nurse who asked if could wait til today!! Was really hot & burning & starting to blister, so just said Dr thought it needed treatment so didn't think could wait! Nurse said she had man with blocked catheter to see before me, I said fine would wait, that was at 6.30! They finally came at 8.30-8.45 pm, like usual I apologised for getting them out! The nurse was shocked when she saw it & eventually apologised! And had to dress it, even more agony when she did it!
It's So hard to be pushy & get past Drs receptionist behaving like Rottweiler's!! Why do I bother if they can't be bothered & it's so hard to get to even speak to a doctor!
My supposed support worker comes only when she can be bothered & usually I have to phone her! When she did come she sat looking at her watch, and asked me to write down why & what I need a support worker for so she could look at it with her boss the next time she came!! I have had mental health problems since my late teens early twenties, but if I have to justify support why do I bother! I wouldn't want to take up her precious time, when others obviously need help more than me!! I only resort to phoning when I've done everything else possible to try & lift my mood & thoughts!!! Which isn't easy & a long process, now I don't know for who I'm making an effort for!! Sorry for sounding so depressing!!