Well y'all gonna be mad but what can I do. I've had this struggle a while now of moving forward and yet I still can't. Is like the person do obeah on me or something. We haven't been in contact for like 2 months due to him blocking me. I know I seem desperate but I know there's no possibility he's gonna unblock me. I haven't been fine but I am lonely and more sad but I just don't know what to do. I just wanna be happy again you know. Is like I'm practicality dead now well at least on the inside. I don't wanna do anything cause I don't have the energy. I just wanna be done with everything.
How to move on?¿: Well y'all gonna be... - Mental Health Sup...
How to move on?¿

If this person did indeed block u.. u don't need them..grab that strength within urself..its there..pick urself up.. know u r worth more.. and deserve more.There r millions of people in this world so don't let one person take away ur self worth .If ur on our community ur not alone.connect with any of us.. read posts..busy urself and ur mind.Take care of u.sometimes in life we have to move on from stuff we don't want to.. that's how we grow and learn and find better in our life, its not easy.. but life isn't easy.Just a curve in the road of life. Sending a hug ur way. U can do it!!

I appreciate everything you typed to me here. I guess it's probably I miss having someone to talk to. An it's when things happen unexpected without warning you just don't know how to feel.
Maybe "without warning" is fate kicking in to protect us.Softer blow.Here u have tons of people to chat with n make new friends. You will be ok,just give urself time to heal n learn.
I feel as I don't have the strength to look sadly I can't do it again I feel buried.