Well I know this might be a weird thing to post about but please forgive me. I mean it. I'm very conscious of my weight and then there times I just eat sweets like crazy when I try to lose weight an I end up not doing so. I just don't know how to do so I just really wanna lose some weight on my tummy an sides. I'm not available to a gym at the moment. My financial area is a bit low since I only finished school about a year an some months now. I worked for a certain point within that period then had to leave for church things but we're not talking about that. I'm available to my home I don't have any exercise equipment. What can I do though? Oh an diet meals could go to but nothing too major I was basically thinking of getting fit an toning my body up. Cause I realized I did gain weight but I wanna be healthy that's it but with less of a flabby belly. As I said I'm so sorry to post about this please forgive me but does anyone else struggle with weight problems?.
Need to lose weight : Well I know this... - Mental Health Sup...
Need to lose weight

Oh my goodness! Don't apologize! This topic is spot on for me. Unfortunately I don't have any answers, I would like to find some as well. In fact, that's what I have been trying to do with the same results. In fact, I just finished two more peanut clusters that I made. 😕I need to lose weight and every time I think I have set my mind to it I crave more chocolate and binge like there is no tomorrow. It may have something to do with depression and anxiety. I have been alone a lot lately, my husband has been neglecting me. He's rarely at home anymore except to sleep. I think I may be trying to fill the void. If someone else has gone through this I hope they'll share their stories. I hope you can find some answers and feel better on the road to a healthier you. Carol
Oh my it feels darn good for someone to feel the same way to wanna be healthier well to be honest my sleep life sucks and chocolate I use to be able to resist it but now it's I can't an talking about eating healthy I always say that but the day never comes I try to exercise but I lack the energy to do so. So I tend to skip days an I've skipped a lot thus far. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband though but don't worry things will get better God will make a way. Just keep your head high and keep moving foward.
A funny thing I have to share. Well, more sad than funny I guess, it depends on how you look at it. I have a treadmill but don't have the energy or desire right now to use it. So, I'm training my collie to use it. 😄With my lack of energy and motivation to take him out for a walk every day he tends to get hyper. Using the treadmill gives him a good workout. 😀 Maybe I'll get back on it one of these days. In the meantime at least It's not just sitting there collecting dust. Who knows, maybe my collie Laddie will give me the motivation I need. 😉Until that happens I will keep praying for BOTH of us.
Lol very harlarious but I have a threadmill too but I just don't like it cause I find it's too bit of a simple one. I've been to the gym before an they have like these huge high tech ones and with the one I have I feel like I'm prepared to lose nothing lol. Then there the energy I need I search pininterest nearly everyday for exercises or ways to motivate myself but guess what they just remain as pins. NB: If don't you know about Pininterest I suggest you try it. As i was saying I do find myself a bit lazy but you know I don't wanna be lazy. As for the threadmill I've got the process to use it, is hard it's packed away in a corner an you have to pull it out an connect it and stuff that's way to much work by the time I'm done i've already gotton a full body work out lol. So as you can tell by now I am pretty lazy so I need help. But don't worry about the threadmill it isn't just collecting dusk my brother uses it on a regular basis so no worries there. Whew so yes I'm a lazy person who needs to get fit but I do think once I change my poor diet I'd be less lazy but I'm not sure. Also I know there's like energy powders an stuff but na I'm good I don't really wanna have to use that to get energy I firmly believe I can get it naturally. I just need motivation an you see Christmas right around the corner that's a lot more gains to come for me sadly 😂😔
Haha Yes! Pinterest! You should see mine! It's loaded with great ideas! But, that's where they sit. On the board. 😆 Your treadmill sounds like IT needs motivation 😏to get out of the corner and set itself up for you.🤔Maybe you could start with baby steps. Each day, for a week, take it out and look at it. Admire it and feel proud that you did that much. Then little by little start turning it on and enjoy the sound of it wizzing by. 🤗After that, step onto it a couple of times, and so forth. Soon, you'll be running like the wind and wonder, how did that happen? It might work. 😁As for the energy drinks, I have my healthy greens powder, fruits and shakes just waiting to be mixed up and enjoyed. I bought them two months ago. They're they sit, waiting on me. I want to get healthier just like you, but I think I've been too sad to really care. Sometimes I think I'm just too lazy too, but there is probably more to it than that. I have decided to take my dog to obedience classes. If I can follow through with that I might start feeling better about myself. There's that "if again. A prayer for me would be appreciated. I'll pray for you too. We need to do this. Maybe together we can. 😀Carol
Yes maybe together we can achieve our goals. An yes I'd pray for us both cause we'd need the help lol. I am down a bit too just feel like eating junk and doing nothing cause it hurts to lose someone you thought that would have been there forever you know. An about weight loss drinks I put my mind to it but it doesn't seem to work I just have it waiting to expire cause exercise is needed when you consume it. Guess life is a challenge by itself we face our ups and downs. I eventually give up when things get rough the pain is too much to bare. An I really hope I can run like the wind on the threadmill lol. An don't even mention pininterest mines is loaded with healthy meal plan and work out plan that would just sit there waiting to be used. I will use it someday soon well I hope so.
Take care 😊