What kind medications they have you? I know I need something for my stress. Janet
Healing my PTSD: What kind medications... - Mental Health Sup...
Healing my PTSD

Your Doctor will prescribe the best drug for you. Technically we are not supposed to recommend any medications.
Good luck your GP will make informed choices and recommend the best treatment for you

None of us are doctors (well maybe some are). Knowing that makes any aparent medical advice NOT advice. We're grown ups right? lol All I see is people doing they best ways they know how to 'help' others. Suggestions are fine, especially if you have that experience yourself. Sooo fed up of "you should always speak to your doc 1st, never change this or that yourself, do as your told, there's a good boy" kinda irritating comments. Take it in, do your research (Pubmed!) and yeah sure, talk to your doc. But Many many docs talk BS and haven't a clue.
in the past on site we were always expected to be careful with the advice given, it is no good on site advising on something we may not understand the complexities of that other persons condition,
This has just happened in my case where even medical professionals find they do not know the full conditions of the patient. Only now in the UK can hospitals view the patients full records, now the patient needs to give written permission for Health Professionals to see full records of patients laid out by practice. Problems would arise where after accidents, the patients full health records in different departments were not available. Changed just in last twelve months
Medications can cause contraindications with other drugs taken at the same time. This happened to me today by a health professional who advised changes that would and just had caused me problems. In fact one medication was suggested that had caused further contraindications to replace the one that Had replaced the former. In one of the situations I tried to lower a dose and within twenty four hours had to go back to original dose and increase it whie I was still getting recommendations to cease taking the drug.
If we recommend a drug, that is wrong, peoples health can suffer problems, even if the person is getting older, medication doses need to be reduced, This I have found out to my own expense. If GPs and Health Professionals get mixed, how do people here have any chance to recommend drugs to others they do not know ???
Again to prescribe you need to know the patient, the drug and history of all involved.
If you were a Doctor you would understand that. We are here to give support and basic health, we are not here to treat !!!!!
We are not fully informed on these sites, sometimes there may be questionable blogs etc
All which has been said is correct, and I heartedlly agree, talk to your GP.
I also believe knowledge, is the only way any of us it going to overcome our own PTSD! So please, everyone is different, so what works one way for me might not work the same for you, ok, talk to your doctor.
I was ,on Fluxotine 80mg ,which used to help a bit with the depression but not my anxiety, but after so many years it started to no longer work for my deppresion neither. I am now on 150mg Sertraline, which seems to have quietened a lot of the anxiety, but the depression rears its head up more now.
They are both Prozac based, though one is a anti depressant (the fuloxotine), and the other is more a anti-anxiety med (sertraline). Been informed can not be on both meds as they would cancel each other out. Like everyone says, you need to speak to someone trained. Though at least you now know, most of all the meds are Prozac based that treat depression, anxiety,etc, there cheaper with less horrendous side effects. You need to talk to a medical professional as combinations can council each other out. An some can affect other meds and conditions you might have. Me, the Sertraline has raised the pressure in my eyes, which has made my eye conditions, Glucoma ,and ,Maculopothy ,worse!
Please. Talk to your GP, trying to get help is like pulling teeth out, but you have to start as soon as you can or when you really do need it, there's none there, believe me, I am living through it!
PTSD too anxiety meds and learn skills really it's he'll PTSD but I know really hoe it feel
So for my stress I have Xanax I can not taken anti depression meds because it's PTSD ... Not depression.. talk too you doc and find good positive people that understand also psychologist helps
Many greetings from Belgium
It would be irresponsible for anyone on the forum to not mention speak to your md.
I have ptsd. I have been off and on so many meds I can't even count them. So, finding the right combination of drugs to help me has been a long drawn out process. There's no point in me listing them all. We are all chemically different so our response to a med can be totally different.
I am in two types of therapy that are helping me. Therefore I would always suggest trying therapy.
It's a complex diagnosis and we are all complex in our bio chemistry. Working closely with your MD is the answer.
Hi Dolphin14,
I decided to go with herbs for my PTSD then taking medicine that hurt me or kill me. I am getting to the point that I can't trust doctors. To me they are drug dealers . So I am looking into home remedies, and hope to find what Ivan looking for. Hope you are doing good and what ever I find for me will pass things to you and you and your doctor can talk about it. Take care and God Bless you. Janet