Hi everyone! It's been a little while since I checked in. I've been having a lot of trouble recently. something I've been working so hard to win I didn't even come close to getting. I still haven't been diagnosed. I'm wondering exactly how to tell people, or what I should even tell them. I don't know if what I have counts as an ED or Depression or anything, but it'd be nice to know what exactly I should be asking to get a possible diagnosis for since I've been struggling really badly, and I definitely need help.
- I'm not able to make myself eat breakfast ever, I can only eat sugary things for lunch or else I eat nothing, the only meal I really eat is dinner since my family is around and I always feel the urge to throw up after.
-The regular hopeless thoughts, harmful behaviors, loud head voices (I've started to us music to drown it out which works sometimes), always sleeping way too long, no energy, disinterest in my activities, trouble concentrating, ect.
-Inability to sit still, interrupting people, unable to start things, distracted, fidgety
But then there's also things that make me thing I'm being way to dramatic
-I'm a 4 on the enneagram and everyone says I'm comfortable with sadness so maybe I'm just wallowing idk
- I still can enjoy things, I'm still able to laugh and smile, just not as easily as I'd like to
-I haven't done anything too harmful yet. Just small occasional things and thoughts
I just want to know if I can get help or even what I would ask for help with.