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Citalopram, please help me with questions

thedaydreamer profile image
3 Replies

Hi all,

I am 43 yr old athlete, very healthy, great diet, have had many medical tests, MRIs, bloods, thyroid and so many more only to tell me that I am dealing with GAD and depression after a panic attack spawned it 15mo ago, ever since then I got scared as a result and created a world of madness in my own head, with fear, agitaion and worry over nothing important, but I do have health anxiety. Multiple LMHC counselors and doctors have confirmed this and I have involved myself in aviodance behaviors and having fear, and bizzare symptoms of anxiety that have manifested for me personally as well as obsessive, ruminating thoughts that I cannot let go of. I have tried the supplement route, herbs, aminos with little effect and over time some things have gotten better and some things seems worse, I am luckily able to eat, sleep and exercise but I dont feel like the wild fun crazy guy I once was here are my symptoms and please tell me if you have had any of these

- crying for 10-20 seconds nearly every day

- irrational view on reality

- reality seems "strange" derealization

- foggy head, almost seems like I have been drinking, but have no vison issues

- dizzy, nauseases when looking at computer screen

- The most hated, This head, face pressure that drives me crazy

- when I speak to people this sensation like I cant get a full breath (But I can run playing sports no issues) cardiologist check out fine

My anxiety and agitaion and odsessiveness, negativity has gotten worse I think so I have decided to try Citalopram with the help of an incredible psyciatrist

we are starting at 2.5 mg because I am hyper-aware of body changes

I am on day 6, first few days I felt some relief, now headaches, jaw tension, spacyness and agitaion feel more prononced

Should I stay the long haul for 8weeks and increase my dose and see if i get relief?

Do you feel that the symptoms that I had mentioned will subside once the meds kick in?

I was not like this for 42 years that wham! many stressors at once, I feel I can get back or better than the way I was, just looking for something to hold on to, believe in, and some support, thanks for all replies

much love


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3 Replies
MAS_Nurse profile image

Hello the daydreamer,

Welcome to our supportive community. Well done for taking a brave step out of your comfort zone to reach out for help. Hopefully, you will find folks here are only too willing to come alongside you and share from their personal journeys and experiences.

You are obviously having a difficult time right now, but you are being very proactive in getting help to sort yourself out. Do bear in mind that this is an anonymous, online community, and though well-meaning, the advice given is no substitute for professional medical advice. So in asking about your medication doses, or whether to continue with treatment, these questions and decisions should be directed to your doctor and psychiatrist, and for you to decide. Bear in mind that antidepressants (are also given for anxiety conditions) take about 4-6 weeks to start to take effect, and there is no one size fits all approach, sometimes the dose needs to be titrated up or down depending on how well you are responding. Medication in addition to psychological therapies often have the better outcomes. Do not take yourself off your medication suddenly, as you can experience unpleasant withdrawal effects, and usually, these effects can be ameliorated by being weaned off slowly under medical guidance.

Do check out our Pinned Post section for free mental health guides.

As you live in the UK keep these crisis support helplines handy:

The Samaritans Tel: 116 123 [24 hours line]

NHS: 999 [Emergencies]

NHS 111 [Non-Emergencies]

MIND UK charity: Helpline Tel: 0300 123 3393 Text: 86463

SANEline Tel: 0300 304 7000 [4.30pm – 10.30pm daily]

Keep in touch! Ok folks what can you suggest to help this new member?

Best wishes,

MAS Nurse


Mas Nurse has given you quite a lot of information to get your head around

You need to give any medications time to work, and has been explained you were put on a moderate dose of Citalopram. I would imagine they will increase the the dose in about one months time to get you sorted onto a more represented dose. It is going to take a time to get used to your medication, so be patient and hopefully you will begin to feel better given a longer period of time. I take the same medication at 20mg daily dose.

Try not to be impatient with your medications give them time. Allow several months.

You mention Stress and Anxiety, have you any ideas what has caused your problems. To know the cause can help you address your problems


thedaydreamer profile image
thedaydreamer in reply to


Thanks for reply,

Well about stressors,,,, I have went from a single man to living my girlfriend for a year,,, within a month of me not feeling well I found out we are pregnant with twin girls, they are 6mo old now, so that change has been huge,,,,,,around the same time this happened last year dad diagnosed with prostate cancer, doing well now,,,,and grandma died at 98 in the house,,,,,,so some stressors for sure,,,,,also as a side note for many many years I love drinking a couple craft beers with diner and taking a couple puffs of cannabis from my pipe,,,,,,it seemed for quite some time I was becoming anxious and sort of ignoring the signs that maybe I should give my body a break, but I just kept going with such consistancy because I was so used to it,,,,,,since I have become scarred and disinterested in something that I loved and gave me great pleasure and have stopped for 15mo,,,,,I feel like I have radically changed my life in so many ways and I don't know who I am any more, and it bothers me that I just "perceive" life and reality different now and how I dont feel like the old me,,,I have surrounded myself with great people and assure me that this is SO common and can happen to anyone, I am just hard on myself and want ME back,,,,so many people tell me in due time, just be kind to yourself,,,,,I am just not used to these feelings of sadness, anxiety and worry to this extent, that is why I am giving some medicine a chance to give me some relief, take the edge off and think more clearly,,,,I am a deep thinker and have been told I constantly mind F**k myself all the time, that is in part what I am working through and my OCD makes me run and catastrophize the symptoms instead of not giving them energy at all, and seem to have fear and worry that I will always be this way, but I do believe THAT is irrational.

PS - Do you find that people who give these meds a chance truly see the benefits from them?

Much Love


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