Does anyone else have demotivation on Citalopram? I’m on 20mg. Sometimes I can’t even get out of bed and I sit in my pyjamas just watching the world go by but once I have got our of bed, showered and dressed, I can get most things done. It just makes me as well so irritable which I am not sure is me
Citalopram : Does anyone else have... - Mental Health Sup...

I had lowered motivation on both SSRIs I tried, including citalopram.
Yeah, I couldn't be bothered to move sometimes.
I asked to switch class. Got put on mirtazapine. Increased energy levels and motivation from it. Didn't do that much for mood however.
Try a noradrenaline boosting antidepressant I would suggest. So if you can get mirtazapine or moclobemide from your doctor... Venlafaxine has an iffy reputation and I personally wouldn't go near it.
If you are in the US, then Bupropion is an option. Noradrenaline and dopamine reuptake inhibitor I think.
How long have you been taking these?

Since April this year along with Propranolol
I felt very similar but after 4 months I am getting used to and quite enjoying the fact that I’m less manic in the mornings! I still need to push myself but like you after a shower I’m all good. A coffee helps as does listening to upbeat music. I’m on escitalopram (lexapro) 10 mgs for GAD. 😊

Thanks for your reply. I’m not alone, I thought it was just me. I still have episodes of complete happiness and then I fall down. I suppose it’s all part of it.
I think the tablets do help. I have had bullying at work and had to leave as a result. My husband is abusive to me verbally. He doesn’t mean it. It’s no surprise I feel like I do. X
No you’re not alone 😊

Your words Mean a lot
How you doing Angelmarrow? 😊

Hi S
I am doing not so bad how are you ?
That’s good to hear. I’m assuming the meds are not giving you too much of a hard time? Me neither. Phew! In fact feeling much more relaxed and happy 😃
Four or five weeks until the citalopram kicked in for me. Seems to have solved my anxiety issues at work and just generally. Been on that for four months now and feel it is right for me
I have taken 40 mg of citalopram for many years and it has worked for me, with no side effects. My experience of 20 + years of severe clinical depression is that you have to try different meds until you find what is right for you.
I had to come off this antidepressant as the nausea was terrible even with anti sickness tablets,I suppose every one is different and the ideal is no antidepressants at all,but I went on to Setraline ,however both have made me tired.Mertazapine is ok for a sleeping aid but made me zombie like.There is only you that can decide whats right for you !!!!