This site is giving me life - Mental Health Sup...

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This site is giving me life

Cazza40 profile image
14 Replies

I have spent so much time talking to people who don't understand and just tell me to be grateful. I wish I could but my life has been such a waste I have just exsisted for the last 10 years. I cant even tell you what I have done. The only thing I was ever good at was working and that's hanging by a thread. Everyday is different some are ok thanks to this site but some are awful. But at least I have somewhere to go for some support and I think that's what I have been missing. As my mum and dad have never been there for me and I have no real friends. I try to make friends but I can't ever connect. But I do continue to try as I realise now that hiding myself away makes it worse. Cheers to the good days one day at a time.

Better out than in

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Cazza40 profile image
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14 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Hi Cazza as I have said on here before I never learned how to make friends when I was young and didn't achieve it until my late 20's. If this is your issue then you can teach yourself like I did. I watched how people reacted with each other and eventually started copying them. It worked and I did make some friends. If you want to know more pm me and I will be happy to talk you through it. x

Cazza40 profile image
Cazza40 in reply to hypercat54

I'm totally the opposite I had lots of friends my whole life. But it's changed as I got older my friends had kids so we grew apart. Now relationships are hard as I am single and they aren't so they don't really have time . I join groups and we end up having fun in the class but that's it. I also don't like that interaction I like to be myself. I'm marmite take me as I am.

Cazza40 profile image
Cazza40 in reply to hypercat54

I think I'm just enjoy having somewhere to express my true self

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Cazza40

Yes it's good isn't it. Hopefully feeling like your true self is accepted on here will lead you to be more yourself in real life. x

Cazza40 profile image
Cazza40 in reply to hypercat54

Can't be myself in real life in real life you have to be happy and positive and feeling low or depressed or miserable fullsl under negatively and that's not allowed in real life. So when I'm positive it's ok and when I'm not I fake it.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Cazza40

Who told you that Cazza? Do you really think that everyone else is always happy and positive all the time? I assure you that is not the case at all.

Who told you you can never feel low, depressed, or miserable coz that's negativeand it's not allowed in real life? That's false too.

No wonder you feel so tired and depressed you are putting an incredible burden on yourself to be perfect like a robot and not have feelings. Awful way to live. Please try and understand what I am saying and accept this is real life and not your version of it. x

Cazza40 profile image
Cazza40 in reply to hypercat54

I guess you need to understand way it's only at work to people who I know are fake to me and talk behind my back I have no choice but to ignore it was I prefer to clear the air and talk face to face. But since I have been on a disaplinary at work I have to be happy all the time otherwise they say I'm bringing the team moral done. Sad times that one person can do so much lol

Cazza40 profile image
Cazza40 in reply to Cazza40

But you are so right it is the worst to be fake and pretend everything is ok and then cry alone when it gets to much. Also I have no support from manager so I am trying to move on

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Cazza40

Yes it can be difficult at work can't it. They can't demand though that you are happy all the time. They can say don't be a disruptive influence or bring the team down (not saying you are doing that). You can't force yourself to be happy and in your place I would just play the game ie stay quiet and just do your work. No one can force you to put a smile on your face - work or not. Keep a neutral expression as much as possible and seethe underneath it!

Look for a new job as well. x

Cazza40 profile image
Cazza40 in reply to hypercat54

Defo on all points actively looking

Cazza40 profile image
Cazza40 in reply to Cazza40

I wish I could stay quite but I'm a supervisor so I can't annoying

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Cazza40

Oh dear x

Sid_Arthur profile image
Sid_Arthur in reply to hypercat54

I'd like to know more, plse (re. your 1st reply above) . . . if you don't mind, Hypercat 54 !

Feel free to say more on here, . . . . or to PM me, if you prefer !

All the best,

Sid ;~)

6 June 2018



You are relating to people here everyone here supports each other.

Also you are not the only one who suffers from those around us who are unable to understand how we have felt over the years. My past was fractured and I did not receive any love and understanding.

This site does feel different from those I contribute to and I do come here for the sites here are much calmer than others. However wherever we are the site here like others can only go so far.

Keep enjoying your interaction, it is very important you are comfortable in your own skin and outlook

Keep a hold


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