How I feel.: Today, I haven't been... - Mental Health Sup...

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How I feel.

17 Replies

Today, I haven't been feeling myself. Usually i don't at all, but I feel as if I am not myself anymore. I feel angry all of the time and I take my rushed anger out on my friends and some family members that I just cannot control. I love and respect all of the family and friends that I have and I am grateful but I just feel as if I hate myself. This is because of how I treat them I feel as if I cannot control it and I am deeply sad from this because I feel when I tell people such as my mum, she just doesn't believe me or she just thinks I'm having a bad day. I hate to tell her my true feelings anyway because I feel I am going to cry and I feel when i do cry it's a sign of my weakness and I feel very very weak whenever I do and that is when I hate myself. I do try to control my anger by if I am ever in the company of my friends I make the excuses of 'I'm going to the toilet' and just go in the bathroom and calm down, but I feel as if they are starting to notice whenever I do this because I usually do this at college and if I am ever at my friends houses or in ever the company of my family. I use this as a platform to just say I do need advice on what to do because I know that I can control it but right now it's been getting worse and honestly I don't know what to do.

17 Replies

Hi it's hard to know how to help you without knowing your age. How old are you please? x

in reply to

I don't really see how telling my age can determine on how you can help me?

in reply to

Because you sound very young and a lot of what you are going through could be related to adolescence. This is a very trying situation for many youngsters and if it is that then some of your issues might be resolved naturally when you get a bit older. x

in reply to

Well I can assure you that I am old enough to know that this isn't healthy and natural as it is hurting the people I love around me and that I (in some cases) just cannot control. I can admit I have always been an angry person and yes I do have a short temper but I can sense that my limits are becoming shorter and shorter and that they are again, hurting the people that I love and care about.

Photogeek profile image

Hi Evie your new here and we don't know anything about you so Coughalot was asking your age in order to help you. You do seem very angry, but if your a teen then this can be normal. You have to give more details, are you studying? Or working, it's hard to help if we don't know a background.


in reply to Photogeek

I don't want to come off angry right now, but I just am in some cases really paranoid about putting personal details online, that's why I am coming off abit protective. But I am 19 years old and currently at college 4 days a week and volunteer 1 day a week and work part time every weekend.

Photogeek profile image

Ok Evie thanks for that, and I understand your reluctance to put details.

Now why do you think you get angry? Is there anything that you would like to change in your life? If you sit down and ask yourself these questions. When did this start? Do you feel maybe that you have too much on your plate?

Sometimes we know ourselves what is wrong with us, so have a think and see what

You think. When did it start? What does your Mum think? As she would know you and be able to give you her opinion. Anger can come from frustration , maybe do something physical like a gym workout and get the tensions out.

Talk to you later, and I meant to say welcome to the Forum, there will be more people on and the. You will get other opinions, which is always good.


Hi this is anonymous and no one can trace you from here. Obviously you never give your full name, address or email details and without that information you can't be traced. If you want more privacy and prevent your posts and replies going viral you need to click on 'community only' when you post. A little padlock will then show next to your post at the top. If you wan to amend your post click on the v at the bottom of it and follow the instructions.

I was asking for the reasons Hannah stated but also because the minimum age on here is 16 and we unfortunately do get many youngsters under that age. We have had instructions from HU not to reply just report and they will deal with it. Ok?

Now we know a bit more we might be able to help you better. Have you been to your doctors about this as it might be depression - this can cause anger and paranoia? If not you need to go. Do you have a counsellor at college you could talk to?

There are no trained professionals on the site and all we can do is offer support and help as lay people and based on our own experiences of living with mental health issues. x

in reply to

I deeply apologise for being guarded and now understand the website abit more now, I do appreciate the help and support for what you both have given me and have provided with many options on what I can look into. I do feel as if sometimes I get very angry for where there is no reason at all! I do know that there would be the support from my mum if I did tell her on how I really feel but I just know though that in some extent she will brush it off. So I will look at other options in order to get some form of support and options on what can help me. But to start off with thankyou for both replying to me on my first ever post and hope to speak to you soon x

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Hi that's ok as we totally understand on here. After all we live with mental health issues and we all get angry or don't understand sometimes.

I do think talking to someone professional could help a lot at least to sort things out in your head and maybe give you some insight into your behaviour. It's very hard when you are too close to it yourself and I imagine that would be how your mum feels.

At 19 though you are an adult, and while it would be ideal to have some support from your family, we don't all have that luxury. Stay with us here and we will help and support you all we can. This is a very good site with some lovely and helpful people here. Let us know how you get on. Bev xx

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Evie the fact that you see you have an anger issue is a big first step,

And at least you have the insight to know that you could do with a bit of help. Talking things over with a Counsellor can give you a bit of clarity . Can I suggest you keep a Diary and write down what triggered each angry outburst or at least the main ones, then you yourself might see a pattern emerging

Let us know how you are and we will try and be a support for you, as you are young and probably suffering because of this.


Olderal profile image

Evie,this is a depression forum and anger is not normally an emotion linked with depression as far as I know.

There are courses on anger management I believe.


in reply to Olderal

I never really said that I had depression of any sort at all, I have only just joined this forum but I'm sure that this is a forum that we can offer the support for one another, I feel as if my anger is affecting me a lot now and maybe there is the options and choices for anger management

Maria1971 profile image
Maria1971 in reply to

Hi I totally get your concern about your anger I have a very short fuse and have got myself in a lot of trouble when I have lost my temper. It seems that we live in a world where we are not allowed to voice our discontent in a traditional fashion we have to keep it under control which I can assure is not easy. There are way to deal with anger but I would suggest getting counselling my son at 18 years of age could not tell me how angry he was (he felt ashamed) but he was able to tell a counselor who really helped him find ways to deal with it. We did go to the GP at first but the waiting list was long so I paid for private sessions. If money is a problem then there are various charities that you could call just look up "anger management help" on google. I still have anger issues however I think I have found my own ways to cope, finding someone you can talk to you is important especially if they don't make you feel like you are being judged. You may have a friend that feels the same way? Finding an activity that keeps you calm or lets you express your anger (kick boxing) also can help.

Everyone gets angry, it is frowned upon therefore we choose to hide it which is just denying that it exists.

Hope you find the help you need even if it not on this forum.

in reply to

Yes this is a support forum Evie but it is for depression and mental health disorders. We are not a general support site for other issues. I assumed you thought you had depression or a mental health disorder as you are posting in a depression site. If you don't think you have you might be better off on another site rather than a depression forum. x

in reply to Olderal

Yes it certainly can be Oderal x

Allestklar123 profile image


I understand that you feel crying is weakness. In my view it isn't, sometimes it is an expression of anger or frustration. I know I've been there. I am wondering about your reasons for feeling that anger is a "bad" emotion. It is unpleasant to feel angry. I recall going through a time when I would bottle up anger or feel angry at the smallest thing. Do you have reason to be angry? Are you under a lot of pressure at college? Sleeping and eating enough helps. Sleeping actually "cleans" your brain and eating allows your blood sugar to remain stable. I get "hungry", angry because I'm hungry. I can understand that you don't want to say something you regret later I when you are angry. I think it is a good strategy to take yourself away from the situation. What happens if people notice? What are they noticing? You being an adult and trying to manage your anger? We do not and can not control how we feel. It happens in the primitive parts of our brain. The only thing we can do is notice how we feel and decide how we react. Have you considered that you might have every reason to feel angry? Maybe someone did not consider your feelings or whatever makes you feel mad. Ir is hard to feel angry and not like yourself. Sometimes anger comes from feeling vulnerable or scared, it is there to protect you. Part of the fight response to danger. Anyway I hope that helps.


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