After being enmeshed for decades, my mom and I have worked very hard to establish boundaries and respect for one another. We finally enjoyed a much less toxic relationship complete with healthy conflict-resolving skills. That was a biiiig deal for us. Then about 2 years ago, she began behaving in a very unpleasant way, critical and judgmental of anything and everything. Recently I even asked her to leave my house because she was repeatedly violating boundaries I had set. I hated having to do that, but I had to take care of myself. Since then the dust has settled and she came over for dinner a few nights ago. I wasn't feeling good enough to I cook, so I bought some cheeses, fruit, bread, and olives. We had a 2-person cheese tasting party and we had a BLAST! It was like I remember my mom before 2 years ago: light-hearted, happy, positive, respectful, not critical/judgmental, open-minded, and smiling. I was hopeful, joyful and especially grateful.
Then yesterday, I got some really bad news. My sister informed me that my mom's doctor told her that she has mild congestive heart failure. The prognosis: she has a 50% chance of living for the next 5 years, and if she lives that long, the chances drop to 15%. My sister and I are in disbelief. Mom is 72, SO active and independent, thin and a healthy eater. We really believed she was going to live into her 90s. I always pictured her watching her grandkids (my niece and nephew) grow up, graduate, etc. She has had pneumonia several times in the past few years and, I didn't even know this could happen, the pneumonia caused the heart failure. I know some elderly die of pneumonia, but I thought that was due to respiratory complications. I didn't know it could bring about the onset of heart failure! So that's where we are right now and it is SO not fair. My dad's mother just died 2 years ago. My aunt's mother still dresses up to the nines and attends charity events. I know people 10 and 20 years older than me whose parents are still alive and kicking.
I am pretty sure I'm in denial...and I'm angry and resentful. My biological father is also just as active as my mother, but when does that end, too? I'm scared.