Just looking for someone to talk too been feeling really down
Someone to talk too: Just looking for... - Mental Health Sup...
Someone to talk too

Hey you’ve come to the right place. Post how you feel and lots of people will listen.
What’s making you feel down x

Well thats good im glad im down because i dont feel like im wanted around anymore im transgender and i just got top sugary and i should be happy its just at home the people around me make me feel so low and im not sure what to do ive been trying to move out but i cant work for 2 months right now
I'm a good listener.
Hi there, it sounds very stressful for you at home with your family not being supportive. You're always welcome to post on here or chat with me via PM (alhtough I'm UK and mainly come on in the evenings) . Gemma
There are better days ahead keep positive.
Hello Jaysonstre,
Welcome to our supportive community. Well done for taking a brave step out of your comfort zone to reach out for help. As you have begun to find folks here are only too willing to come alongside you and share from their personal journeys and experiences.
You are obviously having a difficult time right now. I'm not sure which country you live in but I've done a quick web search in UK for support that may help:
Do check out our Pinned Post section for free mental health guides, international crisis support helplines etc.
Keep in touch! We are listening and are here for you.
Best wishes, MAS Nurse