Need someone to talk to 😔 im so drained from this worry
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Need to talk

Thank u. My worry is the virus. I worry every day. I wake up in the morning shaky and feeling nauseous. Fearing the day.. i have an irritating cough now and im panicking. Im super focused on my breathing. And my chest aches sometimes. I was tested in may and had a negative result. And went to the hospital and had tests last month and everything came back clear. Im just so tired from feelin like this. Im always focused on my temperature too. And the media saying scary stuff that can happen with the virus like after affects. Im just out of my mind with worry.😔
Im ok just struggling with my anxiety really bad about it right now
Thank u so much i appreciate it
You have members here who will listen. However can I help ?

Thank u. My worry is the virus. I worry every day. I wake up in the morning shaky and feeling nauseous. Fearing the day.. i have an irritating cough now and im panicking. Im super focused on my breathing. And my chest aches sometimes. I was tested in may and had a negative result. And went to the hospital and had tests last month and everything came back clear. Im just so tired from feelin like this. Im always focused on my temperature too. And the media saying scary stuff that can happen with the virus like after affects. Im just out of my mind with worry
Yesterday I received a test kit to take and I cannot get in contact with the Courier Service to pick up the kit. We were told to initially wait for at least three weeks when they may be able to pick up the kit. So things are so slow.
You mention you have had tests, several times how did you manage to get them to pick them up, and finally get results.

Hi bob. My gp reffered me for a test. And then had to go to get tested at this place. Went home after and they contacted me with my results
My kit was sent for testing the number of people with the virus. Also it is made up of two different test so they can compare both together. I have never had a test yet. I suppose by the time I get through to the help line to collect the box we will all be feeling Tikit-e-Boo. You need to talk can I help ?

Ohhh ok. You do it differently in your country. Are u in america ?
No we are in England on the English/ Scottish Borders

Ohhh ok. Thats cool. My little boy is half english. His dad is from essex. Yeah here we have to phone the gp if we have symptoms and then he or she will decide if we need to be tested. And then when the test is done we have to wait a few days for result and they also send a text message to the phone.
Yes basically the same here although I have been given the two different kits and have to arrange it to be picked up by the Lab.
Life is so complex at this time, How is your Partner enjoying the States. It is the one place I not visited.

Ooh ok well my partner is from the uk