Thankyou for the messages it's nice to know am not alone, I have been trying to cope for three years with my depression and I feel it's not getting any better. My partner thinks the answer is to keep taking my pills and I will get better but I feel my depression is part of who I am now
It's nice to have someone to talk too - Mental Health Sup...
It's nice to have someone to talk too

I know exactly how you feel. I have been on anti depressants for nearly three years and my wife thinks that is the answer to my depression. She just tells me not to be silly if I say Im still depressed. It is good to know there are people here who understand.
My partner thinks am silly as he feels I have nothing to be depressed about , I try and talk to him but he won't talk to me about it . He thinks it will all just go away
I am not the darkness
But it is a part of me
The meaning
Of the meaningless
But still I cling to life
The hope
That time might heal
The expectation
That time will disappoint
I am not the pain
But it is a part of me
It is easier to smile
On the outside
Dissemble the sadness
Than fail to meet
The hopes of others
That they will succeed
In making the darkness
I am not the darkness
But it is a part of me.
hello I have been severely depressed for 2 years. I am beginning to feel a bit better.
What have you been doing to help you because I will try anything to make the darkness go away even for a day
Things I do:
a) write poetry - get it out of my head
b) do something - anything - just to keep some routines going
[some research shows that if you are depressed then action can lead to motivation]
c) mindfulness meditation - helps me separate the thoughts from me a bit more.
The only thing I find that helps me a bit is putting my earphones in listen to music and block the world out but I may try writing my feelings down
hi vik I kept thinking about my son and his lovely girlfriend and my 2 year old granddaughter. they say you come out of depression a stronger person not so sure but I am sure you will get better give yourself lots of time and be kind to yourself. love soniaxxx
My psychologist told me to write a list of achievements I had made in the last 20 years !!!! It took a while but then I realised just what I had done as opposed to looking at the negative which is what we are SO GOOD at doing. He also suggested that I keep a daily diary, again to see achievements plus not so good days, and I find this has helped me too. People who tells us to 'cheer up' or 'not be silly' when we are depressed really do not understand just how desperate the feeling is. Don't they realise that if we could just ' snap out of it' we would and would like nothing better!!!! WE all know the feeling on here and this site is just so wonderful with all tyhe people so willing to support and help you along. One day at a time, just one day at a time. xx
hope you feel better so you can manage your depression and start to enjoy things you like to do it will be hard some days there are alot of people with depression and the one thing I've struggled with is admiring i have a illness but day by day im getting there anyway stay safe
Gambit - that poem is excellent. Strangely, few or any of my poems are about depression.
It's good that we can be here and meet people with different interests etc, - though sharing this horrible condition. Sorry if I spend too long talking about rats!
hello everyone thanks for all your kind replies. I have had a lot of dark days but kept thinking about my son and his girlfriend and little granddaughter kept me going.