So I’m seeing the home treatment team again as my mental health is in a pretty bad place just now. I’m not sleeping and having constant thoughts that don’t feel like my own thought it’s like someone else is invading my head. They’ve upped my haloperidol to 12.5 daily and it’s helping a little but tonight I feel like I just can’t go on anymore everything is just too hard and I’m sick of being me. I have such strong urges to do something but I live with my parents and I don’t want them to be the ones who find me. My head is such a mess is anyone else going through similar stuff?
Home treatment team: So I’m seeing the... - Mental Health Sup...
Home treatment team

Hi Mizeiki sorry that I'm just seeing your Post now. I am really sorry that you are feeling so bad and so alone, I know that feeling too well, but you know plenty of people will understand how you feel, so we understand, and in a way you are not alone.
I hate to see a post from someone feeling terrible and no one around, but it gets quiet here at night.
I'm not sure what to say to you except to hold on as this phase will pass with help, but if you feel desperate I would call 911 and someone could come, I'm not sure where you live. Also the Samaritans can be helpful as often we just need to talk.
Try not to worry about going to hospital as sometimes it's what we need, please let me know your ok, and I want to say that I care about you.
Hi photogeek thanks for your reply. I made it through the night and managed to get a little sleep so I feel a bit better this morning. I live in the UK and my bourgh has a crisis line so I did speak to them last night. I guess I’ve just got to ride this out. Thanks again for your reply it’s nice to know I’m not as alone as I feel
Kat xx
I hope you manage to get some sleep again tonight and that things soon start to improve for you. Please keep ringing the crisis line or other telephone support numbers whenever you need to. What sort of things help you to relax and de-stress a little bit?
Hi tofler
Finding things to relax and destress at the moment is hard as my concentration is not good. I love to read and losing myself in a good book used to work but right now it’s hard to do. I also spend a lot of time with my pets I have two cats and an enormous German shepherd who I adore they’re always good for cuddles. What things do you find help you?
Kat x