Mental health team assesment - Mental Health Sup...

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Mental health team assesment

flimsymimsy profile image
18 Replies

Hi im at breaking point and am suffering around 6-7 panic attacks a day along with hyperventilation. I am unable to take meds due to anti depressants causing me seizures when I take them as a side effect so im trying to cope with nothing as my gp refuses to give me any meds.

I have tried all the norm-hypnosis, deep breathing, medetation etc and nothing is helping.

I have been referred to the mental health crisis team which im unsure whats going to happen with them but just wondered if anyone had any experience with them and what to expect.

Also does anyone else suffer from non epileptic seizures? and how do you cope with meds etc for anxiety and depression xx

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flimsymimsy profile image
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18 Replies


You are in a situation I gather where you have been offered medication and refused to take them. Some Doctors especially Specialists can sometimes refuse to treat if you do not wish to trust their diagnosis and treatment plans. Hypoventilation can be controlled by the use of a paper bag. When in distress place the paper bag over your Mouth and breath, this will give relief and slow down your breathing.

A Crisis team consists of three professionals they will assess your condition and decide in what way to treat. They have the power to Section.

My condition has continued for three decades and I take a tranche of medications, It comes down to the fact if you wish to be well and control any chronic conditions you take your drugs, you then watch your condition if chronic and learn how to vary your dose. You trust your GP, He is in partnership with you to make you well so take his advice well.

Take your drugs it seems your GP is concerned enough to have called out the Crisis Team and needs advice on ways to treat


flimsymimsy profile image
flimsymimsy in reply to

Hi and thanks for your reply. Its not that I have been offered the meds and wouldnt take them, its totally the opposite. I took the anti depressants and suffered a seizure due to the side effects and now doctors has advised me not to take the anti depressants. I wish I could take something to help with the anxiety and panic attacks but with suffering non epileptic seizures only when taking anti depressants im unable to tolerate them:(.

Im hoping once the crisis team has seen me they will be able to advise on how to cope and maybe other medications that wont contribute towards any seizures.

in reply to flimsymimsy

Sorry to hear this. Would anxiety meds have the same effect as ad's I wonder? They might help a bit.

If anyone can help the crisis team can so have hope. Take care.

flimsymimsy profile image
flimsymimsy in reply to

Thanks lilaclil

in reply to flimsymimsy

You could try certain self help activities such as Breathing Activities and Relaxation Techniques, that may help you move on Mindfulness has included various techniques to calm your mood.

If you know the main reasons for your condition you could try and make changes to address your concerns. Dealing with each problem in small pieces can help, if you have say two big problems cut the second up to smaller bits and you will be able to deal with each small bite a little at a time, if you get stuck look at the other problem, eventually you will get through each concern and your mood should lighten.

You can also try diversion techniques where you take out an interest or hobby this can help you think about other things associated with your interests. I personally find for me this works well. I have various interests including gardening and looking after our dog Pax. Whatever interests you.

Making changes to your life by addressing any problems does work, gaining confidence can help as well, some people consider sports. In the far past when fit I would go swimming two or three times a week. I would swim around thirty odd lengths and that seemed to clear my head for a time


in reply to flimsymimsy

Omg I totally understand your frustration, what happened in the end ?

TaylorAnnne profile image
TaylorAnnne in reply to

She isn't able to take any drugs??

flimsymimsy profile image
flimsymimsy in reply to TaylorAnnne

Hi TaylorAnne sadly not which is why im finding it harder to manage.

Hello flimsymimsy

Maybe the crisis team wil be able to assess you and look at possible meds.

Sometimes it may be necessary to take you in to hospital on a voluntary basis so that they can monitor you 24 hrs a day if they put you on a new medication. This happened to me 12+ years ago.

Good luck and I wish you well. Let us know how you get on.


flimsymimsy profile image
flimsymimsy in reply to

Thanks Lottiesweb im hoping they will be able to help me and will keep everyone updated .

flimsymimsy profile image

Thanks for all your support it really means alot. So I had the assessment yesterday and the lady was really nice and gave me time to talk through my problems. I did break down a few times and we found the route of the cause that is causing me the anxiety. The social worker advised that as I cannot take meds due to them causing non epileptic seizures there wasnt really much they could do. The social worker did suggest a book to read which Im intending to get to help support me and as im already on waiting list for cbt and counselling i just need to wait it out. I felt better when the social worker went and felt a weight had been lifted but today im back to square one :( Ive woke up having yet another panic attack and just coming down from it as i speak. Its just so difficult isnt it struggling to get through each day.

flimsymimsy profile image

Hi Copdme and thanks for your reply. I dont feel like im on top of my game but im trying to keep everything together .

flimsymimsy profile image

Hi Copdme and thanks for coming back to me. Thanks for your kind comments. Im hoping things get easier too and hope your keeping well too.


flimsymimsy profile image

Hi Copdme I'm not too good today being having panic attack after panic attack I'm exhausted. Just hope they ease off soon. Hope your having a good day .

Take care Clare

flimsymimsy profile image

Hi Graham,

I was hoping to say I feel fantastic and no panic symptoms which id love to come back and say sadly this isnt the case for today.I only have my mum but makes it difficult when my kids are around to talk as they make it virtually impossible.

Thanks for your kind words and hopefully Ill feel better soon.



Sarah1111111 profile image

Have you looked online for any cbt based self treatment apps etc. They might be helpful while you wait.

flimsymimsy profile image
flimsymimsy in reply to Sarah1111111

Hi Sarah I have signed up to the and being reading over their material whilst I wait but I have my first cbt session on the phone this afternoon which I have paid private for so im hoping once that gets on the way ill start to feel better. Thanks for your reply and suggesstion it means alot thanks and hope you are keeping well too .

Sarah1111111 profile image
Sarah1111111 in reply to flimsymimsy

Hi great to hear that you have had a session already (even if you did have to pay) I'm sure she will be able to help you. Let us know how you are getting on x

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