Totally self indulgent but here goes, I have to be self employed right now, so Im facing up to my responsibilities for a change! Im going to fold the old company ...earning zero. Start again! Which means changing web hosts for a cheaper one Talking to companies house etc...And Renaming my business to start a fresh! So Im struggling with names....I'd like something with 'Bear' in it
But maybe Bear Spot is a bit What do you think?
Also I was looking up Bakelite which I love, Im a big fan of plastic...anyway seems Tony Baekeland (Grandson of the inventor) killed his mother! So now I'm starting to wonder if people who haven't been privy to too much drama in their lives seek it. Whilst the rest of us attract drama by our very being. Round the houses you say....well yes actually. My BF is a very, calm, collected man (and stunning you'd think that was good wouldn't you, but it can add to issues, I digress) anyway Im not sure he isn't looking for drama in his life (of course he would point blank denigh this) and where better to look than to someone who has had more than their fair share of drama (me!).
A) Good names for companies with the name Bear in them, not too long.
B) Do you think you invite drama into your life or do you think having been a product of drama attract people who look to activate it within you to enliven their own lives, Im just asking Im not sure what I think.
C) In a fight between Virginia Wolfe and Chaucer who would win.
Oh and why Bakelite well Barbara Daly Baekeland is describe as a woman who lived her life as if she was in a Hollywood drama, they said the same of Liz Taylor that she acted in her personal life as she did in her more tumultuous roles on screen.
Can I just say drama is not something I pursue nor want, a quieter life for me these days, not boring but less roller coaster please. Just and aside, what better way to know how much someone cares for you than to take them on a roller coaster emotional ride ( no I agree not necessary
D) A fight between your Mum and Virgina Wolfe....whose afraid of her right!