What do depressed people do do get energy. at the weekends all I want to do is sleep
No energy : What do depressed people do... - Mental Health Sup...
No energy

One of the really cruel things about depression is that it switches the link between motivation and action so you actually have to do things before you feel like doing them.
Easier to get up today because of the sunshine - knew I'd have to get up if I was going to be able to enjoy it - but for me a lot is about routine ... and exercise is an important part of that.
Well I had a snooze for about 5 mins then got up took the dog out checked dinner now Sat down again and feel tired again a lot of my trouble is I have to do stuff I enjoy and I just don't know what that is anymore
I agree regarding not knowing what you enjoy doing anymore. I don't really seem to enjoy doing anything these days, so I've just adopted an approach of taking it easy. When I'm bored, occasionally something will pop into my head that I feel like doing, like reading or baking (anything really) and then I'll just do that thing and find that I enjoy it. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to find things to enjoy, things like that tend to have their way of finding you.
As for getting energy, I find that having a shower is the thing that most helps me. I don't personally find caffeine is a good option - I've recently given it up because it's supposed to make anxiety worse, and I was also literally addicted to it so I got myself off it since it never actually did give me energy. Anything that gets you out of the mode of just sitting down and being exhausted usually helps, like getting dressed or just maybe going into a different room.
Take it easy though, I think we're definitely entitled to feeling like this sometimes!
Yes I would suggest you start doing something rather than thinking about it. (don't mean that critically, I mean it literally) For example when my place is a big mess I just go wash up a cup or something and sometimes that can make me able to do more. Perhaps don't wait till you "feel like it"; for example, going for a walk. Start off on your walk and tell yourself you can come back in 5 minutes but then once you start you may be able to carry on for longer than that and the walk could lift your mood a little. Or maybe if you can't shower just walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on and then maybe you will be able to get in it. We are all different but that can work for me sometimes but not always. Agree with Clare, take it easy if you need to but if you think you are just lacking in motivation these tips may help.
i don't know that i feel tired as such when i am down, it is just that I can't be bothered. Making arrangements to do something with someone else forces me to to get out. my brother creates a schedule for the day that he sticks to, but if you do that be sure to make it realistic, otherwise you'll just get cross at yourself for not achieving it. One thing I am going to have to do is keep that promise to myself to get enough sleep, it is like a form of self-sabotage not getting enough shut-eye. It is like a part of me knows what i ''should' be doing, them finds the exact opposite to do......I think i need to be more objective, ask myself-----what is in my best interest?? And then like nike says--=- just do it---Yep--- easier said than done....
My partner reckons it's because I always get up about 7am everyday even if I don't go to bed until 1 or 2 am I'm one of these people that once I'm awake I feel the need to get up
5 hours sleep, think your partner is right. Your body is desperately trying to tell your mind something.
change the evening routine a little at a time so you get used to it. Can you put up black-out blinds, esp useful in summer. Set the alarm clock on a day off for 7.30,so you start to wait for the alarm as a signal to get up.....
Sleep is not just a way of stopping you from feeling tired,, it is when the body repairs itself, check out the long-term health consequences of night-shift workers the next time you are tempted to stay up til 2am
Yes, that is difficult then. Could I suggest trying to build some exercise into your routine at the weekends? You say you have a push bike. How about going for a longer leisure ride on a Saturday or a Sunday or doing some walking or is there a swimming pool/gym near you?
I don't know that sort of area you live in but getting out into some countryside or even a park will help calm you but ideally the exercise needs to be enough to raise your pulse and open up your lungs so it needs to be a brisk walk or a bike ride where you end up slightly out of breath. I know it can be hard to motivate yourself but maybe just start with the walk thing.
Make sure with your doctor of your fitness levels and general health before starting any exercise.
I know I go on but I'm signed up to gym and the only transport I really have is my bike and the weather has been so depressing plus I was off with stress at work everything seemed to go wrong my body just gave up for a week all I done was sleep I'm trying so hard to keep busy and going to try and go to the gym 2 days a week