Why is it so bloody hard to think positive??? It's something you really have to work hard at, while being
negative just seems to come natural..
Why oh why is that??
Hope you all have a POSITIVE day
Holly Xx
Why is it so bloody hard to think positive??? It's something you really have to work hard at, while being
negative just seems to come natural..
Why oh why is that??
Hope you all have a POSITIVE day
Holly Xx
Hello Holly
Because we are all human.
Yes I do believe you have to work at maintaining your self esteem just like you would at keeping your blood pressure right or your diabetes right. Hard work but anything is better than struggling with my thoughts every day.darkangel xx
Hi Holly, Yes I agree it is so hard to keep positive. Especially this time of the year. I hate January!
We do have to work at being positive and maintaining a good mood. Whatever strategy works like exercise, hobbies, music, pets or just having 'me' time.
Hope you alright. Keep going and dont give up. David xx
Yeah yous are all right... Shame it can't be the other way about!
Love 'n positive vibes ;),
Holly Xxx
My step nephew once asked me if I was a cup half empty type of person or a cup half-full type of person. Told him I was a cup completely bloody empty person
Thanks for the +ve vibes though
Hahaha, I know, my cup's been pretty empty too recently! But if you look real close, I'm sure there's a
wee dribble in the bottom somewhere
Take care Gambit, sendin ye some more positive vibes!
Holly Xxx
Holy, positive thinking is a con. I believe being mindful and finding gratitude for the small things that are good in daily life is how we become content
I like your twist on that.. It's just one of those cliché's people throw about randomly these days isn't it; 'positive
When I'm feeling ok I've got gratitude for the smallest most ridiculous things, but when I'm not ok it seems so
easy to overlook all those things and only see the bad.. so maybe it doesn't matter what we call it, just as long
as we try and focus on the right things, coz even a bad day has a good moment in it..
Holly xxx