I feel really low.. like everything is going wrong.. like I dont have anyone to turn to and I just dont know what to do
I need someone to talk to: I feel... - Mental Health Sup...
I need someone to talk to

Hi redsi i can relate to your feelings as can every person on here if you cant speak to your parents try your doctors or best friends if none of these work i find people on here are very knowledgeable Clive
HI Rads, sorry you are feeling like this, sometimes it can feel like there is noone there when we need it most. Do you have a Doctor or Paster even that you can go to, also anyone esle in family ike Aunt that you could talk things over with. I am not sure what the problem is, can you relate the feelings to anything thats going on right now. I always think going to your
Doctor will get the ball rolling, and things will improve from then on. Keep posting here, I find the site people become like friends and always give caring advice.
Hannah x
Radsi if you are feeling desperate go to GP or speak to someone. We are all in the same position I have had a bad 5 weeks crying and just so miserable. Do you know what it is that is making you feel so bad?
Do speak to someone.
I totally understand how you feel - as will everyone on here!
I was doing ok for the past 3 months - even came off 1 part of my meds - but now my relationship's going down the pan and my mood has nose dived - its the worst feeling in the world because all those feelings you thought had gone away have resurfaced.
The most important thing is for you to realise you're not alone - you MUST go and see your GP ad see what help they can offer you - because there is help out there! I know its daunting...but once you've done it you'll be on the road to feeling better as Hannah said.
Hope this helps
Blaq xx
HI Radsi,sorry that you are feeling so low i to was feeling very low and thought that i had nobody to turn to.Then i found this group you will always have somebody to express your feelings to you and to just contact somebody to talk to.Please see your gp they can help you alot and it is very confidencial help is out there you will be surprised about how much help you can get ,you just need to ask.The people on this site will of at one time felt the way you are feeling and we are all here to listen to you and we will not judge you in any way.When i was at my lowest ebbe so to speak i was helped by the people here cause we are all in the need of some help.some time.Please dont feel alone just remember you will always have somebody to speak to here. God bless and take care.xx
Hi Radsi, how are things today? Amanda
awww you guys are all so lovely thanks for the replies... I guess i feel a bit better i could think clearly today and really think things through and try n sort out where i go with the things that had been bothering me. However i feel like ive been on a rollercoaster recently i have good days like this then the next im lowest of the low and i hate it. Doctors isnt really an option it was because of medication for a long term pain problem that messed with my head in the first place :/