I thought my profile was my introduction but No! They want a post! Oh my.
I discovered this site because I was searching for information on Super Slow resistance training, I had a trainer about 20 years ago who introduced me to Super Slow (we called it Lo Slow) and I was hooked--minimal time with maximum strength gain, hard to beat in the training world of a runner. So let's be clear, I wasn't a hard core runner. In fact running has been a challenge for me since I underwent radiation therapy for non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and my upper thorax was the focus of that therapy. But I did become a walk/runner and continued to hike (a lot).
More recently aftereffects of my radiation played into annual bouts of pneumonia which in turn played into depression which played into not taking care of myself. One and a half years ago I realized if I didn't start intentionally and consistently taking care of myself I was going to die soon so I undertook a "program" (okay, a random frantic search) to improve my health. I've had enough success to be here now. I am experiencing hope and increasing my efforts.
I hope to learn here, to contribute as I am able, and to even (maybe) make some friends. Glad you are here.