Hi there I had my surgery on Tuesday (now Sunday) and I have extreme pain, I have possible infection so I am taking flucloxacillin (started today (sunday)) the circumcision line seems to be swollen and it hurts to retract it to the bottom of my glans, still have some yellow/bloody discharge but not too much blood, it's really hard to clean the wound. I was also biopsied as a cancer risk is involved here as well, I'm taking over the counter co codamol and ibruprofen but nothing seems to be getting better, I have dissolvable stitches and showering stings like hell, I'm just wondering if anyone else had experienced a load of pain?
Extreme pain after circumcision - Men's Health Forum
Extreme pain after circumcision

Thanks, just seems to be keeping it clean that's the problem since I can only get to the glans and parts of the incision, worst part to clean is the biopsy site as the incision line covers it up as part of the glans was removed
I had my circumcision for same reason. If possible bathe instead of shower, if you have to shower do not let the full force hit your penis. Shield with your hand and increase exposure to pressure with time. Do not touch, just let water and gentle soap do the work. To be honest from your description I think you should contact the Ward that carried out the procedure or your GP. If it is any consolation, mine hurt like hell. But it does get better. Good Luck.
The surgeon said that he didn't like to see people back so I went to the local emergency department and got some flucloxacillin but no more painkillers were given the sorest parts for me are at the frenulum (was completely removed) and on the left side where I was biopsied
I was given co-codomol when leaving the Hospital then advised to take Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Apparently they can be taken together, just do not exceed the recommended dose !
Understand what you mean now by nearest stomach. My biopsy was at the 10'o' clock position looking down. Unfortunately, my circumcision and biopsy where taken at different times. So almost recovered from one when second was done. I hope the antibiotic clears up your infection and can only reiterate not to touch when cleaning. Time as they say is a great healer, but do not be fobbed off. If it does not improve go see your GP. This is not an area you can just wait and see.