Last night I got my first blowjob it hurt so much but I never said anything. I currently wasn’t circumcised and when I was getting head she pulled back all my foreskin and made me circumcised. I’m not even lying. I am not desensitized so my tip hurts so much I can’t even walk or drive if anyone knows what I can do please help me!! That’s what it looks like I’m super embarrassed and sorry I really don’t know what to do
A blowjob made me circumcised I think? - Men's Health Forum
A blowjob made me circumcised I think?

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You haven’t been circumcised 😂, get in the bath and pull your foreskin back over your glans but if this keeps happening your foreskins loosing it’s elasticity then you’ll have to seek medical advice for steroid creams or circumcision to sort it out.
If you can’t pull the skin back you will need to visit your doctor or hospital to have it put back. If you couldn’t retract your foreskin before then it’s possible that this will loosen it up with a little more practice and even avoid a need for circumcision later. I had a tight foreskin when I was in my early 20s which was retracted for me for the first time by a lady getting vigorous on top. Probably a lot better than a medical intervention!

Please tell me exactly what I need to do please!!!
It is a potentially serious condition called Paraphimosis that you need to have treated ASAP. In extreme cases it can lead to gangrene in your glans (penis head)
Call the doc first thing! Don’t be embarrassed

Can you tell mw your story man same thing happen to me now I'm scared of having sex
What happens when I put it back to normal?
I literally can’t put it back over it hurts so much it is so sensitive
You need to seek medical attention and have the foreskin pulled back. If it’s so tight you can’t do it yourself and it’s causing discomfort you can’t leave it like that. Do it today. You aren’t circumcised - for that to happen the foreskin has to be cut off.
Get that foreskin back over the head pronto or you may be facing an emergency circumcision.
This is not circumcision. You need to pull it back. If you can't , try steroid cream . If unsuccessful meet a doctor to ask if you need a circumcision. Anyways blowjob by girlfriend ! It must have been interesting .
I agree with most of what has been said. Similar thing happened to me many years ago. Try a little lube around the head so it seeps down to the foreskin then gently try pulling it back up a little at a time. If you cannot get it back, you do need to see a Doc'.
Good luck
Update: I went to the hospital they pulled the foreskin back over. I got needles in places no man ever should. I’ve never been through so much pain, but it was worth it. Thank you everyone for all your help I appreciate it so much!
Very well done and many thanks for your update. I’m happy you got sorted, and hopefully are a bit clearer on what to do and what not to do going forward.
Now, go to to learn how to enlarge the opening of your foreskin.
Doctor, now.
Hey man any updates? Ive had the same thing happen to me and still happeninh
Id say circumcision would make this a thing of the past and so much more comfortable. If it keeps happening id consider it