for 3-4 years my bloating and constipation got worse. ill keep this short. yesterday i was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). ive been on a diet for a couple of years and been losing weight. i use to be 400 pounds. now im 184 pounds. im starting to lose motivation. my IBS makes my stomach bloated to the point where i have to stay without eating for a few days. after eating breakfast or lunch the scale shoots up rapidly. my real weight is 184. due to my bloating its 190. i didn't even eat dinner today. i only had lunch and my stomach feels bloated and it feels like i gained weight. for two days i only ate a light break fast and lunch and stopped eating due to bloating and the scale going up.
i'm having a hard time making a stool. thats one of the reasons for my bloating. i feel like i have to use the bathroom but i can't push. this got worse and a few days ago i rushed to the ER because my stomached felt bloated and i couldn't make a stool and my stomach felt like it was gonna explode. in the emergency room i was finally able to use the bathroom. this rush of diarrhea came out. black diarrhea. my stool was coming out black. my doctor told me theres no treatment for IBS and i have to follow a foodmap diet. im afraid because my weight went up fast for no reason. this gives me less motivation to continue trying to lose weight. how do i keep this under control and is it true that theres no medication for treatment for it? my doctor gave me fiber powder and that dont work.
i bought meta mucil and it only helps 10 percent. its 12;00 am. im up with stomach cramps, bloating, i need to use the bathroom but can't make a stool. my stomach hurts. the pain travels to my chest and abdominal. i don't know what to do.