So today marks two weeks since surgery and I won't lie they've been 2 very difficult weeks and Im sure week 3 will present some new challenges!
Biggest changes this week have been the pain which has pretty much subsided. Sleep is fine now although i still wake up a few times, it isn't painful anymore.
Aesthetically things are looking good. Stitches are still in but i expect them to start dissolving anytime soon. Swelling has gone down as well. The only area that looks bad still is the frenulum but thats the part that takes the longest time to heal.
Biggest problems I'm now facing are the sensitivity issue which is slower getting better but still a major issue which I believe is the last big hurdle to get over. Other issues being the skin being super dry on my head and peeling off but I think that's normal as bad as it looks right now. And the last problem which has been noticeable in recent days is being super horny aha. Pre op I was a one a day guy so not being able to is tough but I'm glad things are still working in that department as tough as the next few weeks are gonna be not to be able to use it.
Thanks for reading any questions you have feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer and if anyone has any advice for any of he issues I highlighted that would be great.