Hi all I’m new to your site and hope you don’t mind but I’m a woman looking for some advice for my Dad.
My Dad is 73 and for the last 3 years has had periodic bouts of very severe nausea, to the point where he feels like he may pass out. He also has a deep gnawing pain in his upper stomach. Blood tests are clear, except for a low white blood count. He has had an endoscope and a CT scan with contrast dye, both of which were clear. He has also had a raft of very specific gut hormone blood tests, again all clear. His blood sugar levels are normal. He was due to have another appointment with the consultant but this has been cancelled due to the current coronavirus situation.
Does anyone have any ideas what this could be or has had similar symptoms? He has had a really bad bout of this over the last three days with no let up. I feel I might have to call NHS24 soon but as we’re both shielding it’s a last resort as we don’t want to have a doctor visit the house or have to go to A&E.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.