Hi..I m having azoospermia on semenogram ...testosterone 234..that is mildly decreased normal fsh and Lh..on usg doppler of scrotum..bilateral small sized testis..otherwise sexual intercourse and erection are normal..except for it doesnot happens when I m nervous..I m married now..and we want baby..how to start with.. what r my chances to have a baby..
Azoospermia with small testis - Men's Health Forum
Azoospermia with small testis

Have you discussed fertility with your doctors?
Here is some information that might help you understand your condition.
Try taking vitamin D and zinc supplementation as both increase testosterone naturally, which will greatly increase your chances of having a baby.
Also have sex as many times as possible is also helpful.
This is not a testosterone issue!! If you read the article I posted it explains the treatments and, if necessary, the use of sperm retrieval for those wanting a baby.

I just read your article and it mentions that low hormone levels could be the cause. Although this would be rare.
Although pretty rare!! Best to see what is actually causing it before buying possibly pointless supplements. If he was one of the rare cases then a prescription for testosterone could be got from the doc or the reson for the low hormones identified.

I updated my previous message. Sorry for leaving out that important detail, but thank you for informing me, so that this site could be filled with accurate info
First of all the units are important ..is the 234 ng/dL ? Secondly, the reading needs to be in the morning, and I would probably repeat it to double check. Thirdly, the amount of free testosterone is calculated here : issam.ch/freetesto.htm and you need some other figures like albumin to work it out. If you are in the UK , you need to be having unprotected sex for a year before the GP can refer you for subfertility studies. Although with these blood results, its possible you might see endocrine before then , if proven low.