My penis skin is very tight especially at the time of erection, at the time of relaxation its normaly pull back as long as i can .. Due to tight skin , i m getting problems at the time of intercourses ... Need suggestions on this ..
Not able to pull my penis skin back - Men's Health Forum
Not able to pull my penis skin back

You need to stretch the skin so it loosens up, you can search stretching for phimosis on the internet and you will get a lot of information. Make sure when you’re doing it you know how to, and it shouldn’t cause pain, just possible discomfort. Don’t tear the skin, if you have had a previous injury lately make sure the skin has healed, remember it takes time for it to happen so be patient. Consult your gp as well as they will provide for info and possibly prescribe topical steroid creams.
Follow the advice of stretching and creams if needed before you even consider Surgery. Using a condom during sex should help reduce any problems and not effect the sex.
Good luck
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My advice would be to have a chat with your doctor. He may recommend creams and forms of stretching you can do in the bath. Personally if my doctor offered circumcision I would get it done. Lower cancer risk . Cleaner and less chances of picking up STDs .

Please don’t listen to him, his name is literally snip... the cancer one has been debunked, and it’s one of the rarest form of cancer anyway, and it would be easily treated. It’s not cleaner, thats what we have showers for, and look at the statistics on stds and circumcision it will show that circumcision has no effect on it. What does have an effect on stds is condoms and hygiene.
Can’t stand the truth. What a load of fake news

What is fake new it what you said, I bet you’re American and think that, but don’t bring it on to here please.
I’m English and my opinion is just as valid as yours and I will say what I want here.

Well then you got your info from America sites, do some research please. And I understand that your opinion is valid but you need to make sure you have the correct information before posting, unless its advice, but don’t state any facts if you don’t know weather they are true or not. Thanks and sorry.
Plus I’ve just checked your post and realised your age, no one is circumcised here anymore because we know it doesn’t carry benefits, so you may have been talking about what you were told in the past but things have changed, sorry for that.

Opinions are not truth. In this case, yours is dangerous.

ROTFL! The cancer myth was refuted several decades ago. So was the hygiene excuse and the STD scare. Circumcision has always been a procedure is search of a reason. None has yet been found, including tightness.
More Fake News when will it end.

Take your fetish somewhere else. Your encouragement of others to have themselves mutilated is dangerous and disgusting.

I thought you were going to do some research because you’re old and you research is outdated... and you called me anti Semitic when i said nothing bad about jews... you seem very intelligent.