Hi Guys,
I'm a 28 year old uncircumcised male that has been having some redness and irritation issues with my foreskin. I've seen a dermatologist who prescribed me with hydrocortisone, and while that does seem to help, I don't think becoming dependent on it is a good idea. I've used other hydration creams such as Man1 oil (and slightly different variants), and while these seem to help as well, I feel like my continued use of these products is doing more harm than good. It seems like I have to use these products in order to see a difference, and even their prolonged use seems to have less of an effect these days. I saw a urologist as well who said that everything looked normal and recommended I see a dermatologist (which I did already).
Some days, the skin is redder than others, and other days it looks OK.
Is this normal as we age? I didn't have a certain redness like this when I was younger.
In terms of underwear, I've always been a briefs guy, but I've slept in loose boxers at night. Doing that didn't make a difference (and I prefer to sleep in my briefs anyways), so I doubt it's an underwear issue.
I feel like its appearance is random. I wash my foreskin, shaft, and head of my penis daily. I'm not sexually active at the moment, so I really doubt it could be an STD of some sort. It's weird because the redness doesn't cause any pain, and it doesn't itch. It just looks red.
I've also used anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and other oils and creams to see if that would help with the issue, but it hasn't. I've also painted some Mercurochrome on it (recommended by my Dad - who said it really helped him back in the day - and it's super hard to find by the way with mercury in it), and while that seems to return things somewhat to normal after a few days of usage, it doesn't last. It just gets irritated again randomly.
Here are six different pictures that I took to try to illustrate the redness, but the camera doesn't seem to pick up on it too well:
It really is just my foreskin that gets red, and it seems like the head can get irritated with small red bumps too that go away after I use hydration creams. It could be Balanitis, but I feel like I don't have poor hygiene and wash more frequently than I ever have before. I've tried all types of soap products too, and I don't notice a difference. I've even tried just rinsing it with plain water, but that doesn't seem to work either.
Anyone have any idea? Anything you might recommend?