Hi Gents,
I am 40 years old, and since 2014, struggling with epididymitis at my left testicle. All story started with a hernia operation. Three days after surgery, my testicle became like the size of a big orange, and due to pain in groin area I was neither able to walk, stand up nor lie back. Then the diagnosis came as epididymitis, and I took antibiotics along with anti-inflammation pills for about 6 weeks.
In the next 2 weeks after the treatment, everything was fine with me. Then pain on my left ball came back with the feeling that it was pinning when I touched. I visited another Uro and he put me in another 6-weeks of antibiotics + anti-inflammatory treatment.
After having that much pills I had a calm 6 months, during which I had to live still with a slight pain and pinning feel. That pain was bearable, and I was able to continue my daily and private life. From my side everything was OK.
At the end of a silent half a year, symptoms of epididymitis started again but this time it was stronger. I had deep and intense pain on my left testicle (sometimes in pelvic and groin area) while either standing or sitting. In addition I had intense ache in perineum area (behind balls and between legs) right after ejaculation. Even during and after ejaculation, I could have burning feeling along my penis, and my semen was watery. The tip of my penis was also burning after peeing. Then I again found myself visiting uro, and taking another set of pills against, which made me OK for the next 6 months.
Until now, this pain-treatment procedure becomes like a routine in my life. Almost two times in a year I am visiting my uro, taking the pills, giving semen sample, and receiving the clear results.
Since 3 weeks I have had pain at my left testicle again. But this time I notice also that it gets smaller than before, and my ejaculate volume is half compared to a few months ago. For a man these are worrying signals. And according to what I have read until now the blood flow through epididymis might not be proper, and my prostate might not also be infected which results in reduction in prostate secretion.
Since I am fed up with showing my balls each and every a few months, and repeating the same procedure for temporary treatment, now I am resisting to see my uro, and looking for a non-antibiotic solution before my pain gets unbearable.
According to what I read, there is a relation between ejaculation and epididymitis. But until now I could not figure out the balance between frequent or rare ejaculation and pain at testicle. Frequent ejaculation keeps the ducts clean but puts pressure on my ball, which is pain, and rare ejaculation results in swollen feeling on my left side, groin area, and stronger pinning feeling on my balls. Does one of the guys have any idea or experience about that? Upon that, is there anyone who had testicle size and/ or semen volume decrease related with epididymitis?
Thanks for your answers.