At the age of 66, I think I may be developing an inguinal hernia. Over the past few days I have noticed pain in my right groin, above, definitely not in the testicle/ scrotum. It’s tenderish to touch and there is a small swelling. It’s worse after I cough or stand up. Does this sound familiar to anyone? If so, what investigations and treatment did you have?
Inguinal Hernia: At the age of 66, I... - Men's Health Forum
Inguinal Hernia

I have no personal experience of this except my uncle has one, and due to a heart condition had his Surgery delayed. He's now decided to make do after putting up with it for years. I'd get it diagnosed and get on the surgery list asap I think.
I've had that as well. It sounds like a inguinal hernia. It was confirmed by a physical exam by my primary doctor and general surgeon. I had an open repair with mesh. I healed well.
Hope you get it sorted
only way to know for sure. Get it checked out
just think a chance to show off those piercings even get him too check there healing well
I'm a hernia repair recoverer. Your symptoms are very like mine. Unfortunately I had a long wait for surgery and it got rather large. Only really painful at the end of a longish walk. When it came to surgery day, it was a decision between keyhole or open surgery. It had to be open surgery because of the size of the bulge and I still have some tenderness in the testicle on that side when I examine my self or knock it eg while climbing stairs. Waiting now after an ultrasound scan whether it it was caused by the procedure and if it can be corrected. Moral of the story: get surgery done asap before it gets worse.
Yes, thanks. It’s not going to go away, so the sooner I get on an NHS waiting list the better. I’m due to go on holiday next May. I hope it is fixed by then. I wonder if “waiting for an op” affects medical insurance premiums going abroad.
Were you treated as a Day Case BexyBoy ?
Yes - general anaesthetic and no need for overnight as I cope OK with the drugs - no afterbleed at site of the scar which is now completely healed.
Update: My GP thinks I have a hernia and has requested an ultrasound scan to confirm his diagnosis. He will then refer me to a Surgeon to discuss treatment options. I’m happy with this plan. And even more happy that it has come together, so far, so quickly!
Good news. Found this documentary which explains the careful patient induction process