Hello, I'm a 20 yr old guy and I masterbate frequently, last week I started feeling a little bit uncomfortable on my right testicle. It happened a few hours after I ejaculated that day. Since then I have been left with that feeling, I'm not sure if it feels a bit heavy but I did check them out and everything looks and feels normal. I have been masterbating still with this feeling, however I have not ejaculated since that day. It does not bother me too much as their is no pain, however it does a little when I walk. Why do I feel this? Could it be cause of my ejaculation that day? Please help, thank you.
Why could I feel this?: Hello, I'm a 2... - Men's Health Forum
Why could I feel this?

did you over do it? Let it rest, if it doesn't go away see your doctor.

Yeah it was a bit intense, 😅 I'm contemplating on seeing a doctor but I'm just not sure.
You're still young, this could be just part of getting to know your body. Our bodies respond to different situations different ways.
Such feeling usually comes when you suppress ejaculation. But in your case it is after one hour. Could be some of the seminal vessel may be thin and during ejaculation the flow force might cause pain. Usually such pains go by rest, if doesn't go consult doctor

I have still been masterbating even though I feel this discomfort, just not ejaculating. Do you think that maybe that's the reason that it has not gone away? How much longer should u wait if I still feel this to go see a doctor?
One week you may observe

Thank you. I will stop all masterbation and if it doesn't go away I will see a doctor.
Also after you resume masterbaition make sure to never "not" finish. Meaning make sure you ejaculate everytime because its not good to continuously almost reach the point of climax and then stop. Well i mean you can a couple of times which is called "edging" but just make sure you finish. Thats probably whats causing you to feel so backed up. Also try not to overdo it when your edging. Id say 3-4 times should be the limit especially if you start feeling too much pressure.
It's because I've had the urge to masterbate, but also haven't been sure if it was okay to ejaculate due to my symptoms. Especially since the last time I did, I started feeling this way. Do you think that its possible to still feel uncomfortable because I have been "edging" and not finishing? Cause maybe the tension I'm feeling now could be the added buildup from not releasing?..
That could be a possibility. Also like NowHard said you might also have a varicocele. Give yourself a testicular exam and like feel the vessels above your testicles and the epidymis. If either are swollen or sore or just out of the ordinary in general especially after ejaculation then theres a high possibility of a varicocele/epididymitis. If you feel nothing is wrong then the best bet is to wait a couple of days- a week without touching yourself to see if that solves the problem.
I get tender testicles if I'm fighting illness eg flu. The testicles aren't directly involved in ejaculation (the spermatazoa are made constantly then stored in the epididymis, seminiferous tubules and vas deferens) so it's unlikely your frequency of orgasm is causing this issue. You might want to try reducing masturbation frequency in case these areas are getting inflamed, but if it's only on one side it's again unlikely to be the cause of your discomfort. As others have said it's probably better to complete than restrict outflow. Obviously, if you feel any change in the texture or lumps in your testicle when you roll your testicles between thumb and fingers (we should all check monthly), then see a doctor.