Ive noticed a few posts regarding this issue but none have been active lately .Please help me out soon if possible .Its been 10days since my circumcision and Im noticing a lump near my incision site only now .Its a hard lump on the top area of my penis just under the incision site .please let me know if you have an answer to this .Im extremely worried .
Lump near incision site after circumcision - Men's Health Forum
Lump near incision site after circumcision

Have you got a picture mate
I don't really wanna post it here man .But its a hard bump like thing near the incision site .but it isnt too big . I mean I can slightly see it but only feel it properly when I touch that area
Sounds like a seroma which is basically fluid under the skin, if it gets really red or blood comes from it, or it gets painful and you get a fever then you need to go to the hospital asap if you get none of that then it will go away in its own
Normal. Allow time
How is your lump now mate? I have a very similar thing by the sounds of it, check my post. I was worried about the same thing, that the surgeon had accidently sewn up some extra skim or something. My gp doesn't think it's infected as I have no smell, puss etc but I can't help worrying.
Its still there man . But its reduced a bit I think .I asked the doc too and he said it would go down soon
I have a very identical scenario to the lair of you two, I've hit 7 days today and after taking my first salt bath last night I realised legit just below the stitching line on the underside of my penis a little lump, doesn't hurt as of such or anything but it's just a nuisance...!
Hi I’m in a very similar situation, 2 weeks in now, was wondering how you are getting on, I have lump just under incision line more towards the head and to the one side of the frenulum, but feels more like under the skin tissue, what are you thoughts,
Has the lump gone