Its been one month since my circumcision. The stitches are gone but the swelling is still there. I've posted the photo too. Please let me know how to reduce the swelling and if anything is serious.
Swelling after circumcision: Its been one... - Men's Health Forum
Swelling after circumcision
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Is that picture from today? Did you put an ointment on the incision section or what is that?
I was wondering the same.. what’s that liquid? Have you gone for a follow up?
Those stains are of ointment. There is no discharge from the incision. The wound has healed completely but the swelling is same.

Does that swelled part hurts you after 1 month? Or is it sensitive? Or is juts how it looks bit dosen't bother you ad much?
It kind of looks like iodine, but idk...
Those stains are of the ointment.
Hello sidd8, your body has gone through a trauma in a very vascular area. You had a lot of blood flow through the area as well as lymphatic system damage. It is very normal to have swelling this late. To help the swelling go down you need to be laying on youjr back so that your genitals are above heart level. You need to be icing it and not standing for long. Also, take ibuprofen as it helps with the swelling
Can i have sex with this?

Yes you can
But make sure you do it slowly
I done on my 20th day
Its normal
Was you swelling the same which is in my case?
You should dip your tool in warm water and salt. Make it stand upright to reduce swelling iam four weeks but iam fine. Check my posts you will see. Good lucky
Do you wear your penis upwards in your underwear? Because this makes the swelling going down.
Hopefully I'll try this and see if my problem goes away. Been 4 weeks circumcised.
Mine is exactly same now . Dude post the picture of how it looks now and also how long it took for complete recovery ??
Would love to see how things look now?
I have the exact same problem guys any help?
hi. i have exactly the same problem.. exactly same... its been 39 days, but still the swelling is there?? how long will it take to recover?
and did your issue solve??
How are you now? Any updates
Guys I have the same issue and I'm just months post circumcision. My doc said it is alright but I don't believe. Please give some advice and How long will it stay like that?