7 Days after circumcision surgery, here... - Men's Health Forum

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7 Days after circumcision surgery, here's what I've learned. Maybe it will help you.

TexasGuy127 profile image
6 Replies

Hey all, still pretty new here, but wanted to share my experience in case it would help other people. I am one week post op and I have some details to share. Feel free to ask me anything if you are in the same boat.

Day 1: I had the surgery in an outpatient hospital. This is recommended because it is more professional, cleaner, and better prepared than a doctor's office. I had full body anesthesia, which is also recommended because I have heard of local anesthetic wearing off and people actually feeling everything during the middle of the operation and needing shots while they are cutting. Not good. I went to sleep, woke up, and it was done. I was in very little pain due to having the procedure done by a skilled urologist who has done many ADULT circumcisions. They didn't use any rings or clamps, just scalpel and scissors. I have heard of very bad results with the clamps and rings and even people losing their penises altogether. It's VERY rare, but it happens. I had a fairly loose cute, so the lower third of my glans is still covered with skin. I was told this was a good medium so my sensation loss would be minimal around the corona where a lot of the nerve endings are. I unfortunately had a frenulectomy because that was the start of all my problems. I went home, ate a big healthy meal, and watched Netflix. My wife helped me through all of it, she's the best. If you can, take at least a full week off for all of this. Have your procedure on a Friday and don't go to work until Monday of the week after (10 days total).

Some little things:

a. Take your antibiotics! If they don't give you any, ask for some. I don't like antibiotics, but I took some anyway because infection is a real risk down there and you can have severe injuries from a bad infection or even lose part of your penis. Have a good probiotic to help replace some of the good bacteria.

b. Peeing sucks the first day, the swelling and bandage makes it impossible not to soak yourself and your clothes (seriously it goes everywhere). But pee anyway, and keep the bandage on. If you can't pee, but feel like you have to, call your doctor or go to the emergency room. Seriously.

c. Take it easy and don't do anything. Just lay down, drink water, eat and keep up with your pain meds.

d. Speaking of pain meds, they will constipate you, take a fiber supplement or stool softener at this time. You'll thank me later.

Day 2: In my opinion, day 2 and 3 were the worst. The morning of Day 2 the bandage comes off. Your penis will look pretty bad. Like bloody hamburger meat with black stitches. Don't freak out. The head should look smooth and purple and swollen. There might be lots of dried blood and fresh drops when you take a dump or pee (because you are pushing down there). However, if you are peeing blood you may want to call your doctor. Today, do nothing again. Just eat well, drink water, spray pee everywhere, and watch TV or play video games (naked if you can). I took a shower on Day 2. Absolutely no soap, just water. Be gentle. After, glob on the Aquaphor or Vaseline.

Day 3: Last night you will probably have your first night erection. It's terrible. It's painful and there's nothing you can do about it except curl in the fetal position and think about baseball or your mom dying... seriously. Today will be a lot like Day 2, but you can attempt to wash your wound a little more. Here is my cleaning regime (I am doing this daily) I started with a hot shower (no soap), after I made a saline mixture (1 cup water, a TSP of salt) and used a mouth syringe to use it to spray on and around my penis. It might sting, but it helps dry things out and kill bacteria. After, dry it and glob on the Aquaphor. You can cut the Aquaphor part afer all the little cuts have healed. Again, take it easy today and don't wear clothes if you don't have to, it's not worth it.

Day 4: Your penis head will begin to dry out at this time and some things may happen. The penis head texture may get wrinkly and the skin may begin to slough off, I am in the middle of this right now but have been assured by people on this board and my doctor that it is normal and your penis head will keratinize and take on a normal appearance in the following weeks. This dead skin may make your penis head look yellowish or whitish. This freaked me out but apparently its normal. Bruising may happen now but bleeding should be mostly over except for a few tender spots between the stitches. You'll also get a weird yellowish wet scab where your frenulum was. This is normal. But if its very greenish and there is a lot of it and smells bad and there is pain and redness you may have an infection. Just call your doctor.

Day 5: You're gonna feel pretty good today. Don't overdo it. Also, despite the last few nights of painful erections DO NOT try and relieve yourself. It's most likely too early and you will do damage to yourself. Keep everything clean, eat well, drink water, and relax. Your piss stream should get more normal. Use lots of ice if things are looking more swollen than usual. Back to eating well... I am convinced you will heal faster and better if you stay away from sugar and junk food during your healing process. Eat lots of protein, vitamin C, healthy fats, and veggies. All these things will help your skin heal and remodel itself and keep down inflammation. Also, your dick may look a little smaller and pathetic because you haven't had a proper boner and your foreskin probably made it look bigger. Eating well will help you lose weight and make your new penis look better on your body.

Day 6: A lot like Day 5, but you can probably move around more, clean up around the house, do some light stretches and body exercises, and even take a drive. Keep everything clean, dry, iced, and in breathable fabrics (no skinny jeans!). Stitches may be coming lose. Do not attempt to remove them. Some cuts will ooze a tiny bit or blood may still exist too, but they SHOULD be getting better. More skin peeling on the penis head will happen as well.

Day 7: You should have had your best night of sleep yet. Sleep is extremely important to healing. If you miss out because of night erections take good long naps. Stress and lack of sleep will retard your healing. 1 more week till my followup (and you should always get a 2 week followup with your surgeon). Penis will look closer to normal, but you will have some bunched up swelling (like a pearl necklace). Apparently this will all go completely down over the following months.

Good luck everyone, hope this helps!

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TexasGuy127 profile image
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6 Replies
Skewiff profile image

I am on day 5 today, the sensitivity is dropping - a little vaseline in the tip and onto the towel in the front of my pants (on the lady pad) seems to work wonders on that.

I bled some last night - for the 1st time since the day of the operation - which worried me, but it was only a little, so Im not unduly worried.

The erections are a challenge - as is the lifestyle change - Im normally a once a day guy -!- so, not having done anything in 5 days is proving challenging. The 4 am wake up call is definitely not something I would want to repeat again!

I can walk, wear clothes, be stressed about returning to work - all that good stuff.

for those that come after us, dont worry, while we are all different, the recovery is always guaranteed and life (im told) will be so much better after!

CoRRuPt173 profile image


Currently on day 5.

Doesnt hurt much at all, erections aren't even too much of a problem but the sensitivity with anything that isn't water from the shower is still a big issue.

When did you notice you were able to put stuff on normally?

i'm not sure I can even apply vaseline right now let a long think about how it affects the inside of my boxers...

TexasGuy127 profile image
TexasGuy127 in reply to CoRRuPt173

Give it a few months to feel normal. If it has never been exposed then it may take even longer. Cotton boxers feel worse than softer materials.

CoRRuPt173 profile image
CoRRuPt173 in reply to TexasGuy127

Thanks man, Just infuriated that every "professional" i've spoken to has said it'l be fine after 5 days or so...

I have a Huge performance in 3 or 4 weeks that I need to be right for so am now just worried I won't be able to go on stage like this...

TexasGuy127 profile image
TexasGuy127 in reply to CoRRuPt173

5 days is insane. I didn’t feel normal for about 3 months but pain, bleeding, and major swelling was gone by around a month. Power through putting on vaseline and wrap it up with gauze and a little tape. That should get you through the performance.

xhardwarex profile image
xhardwarex in reply to CoRRuPt173

You should feel much better sensitivity-wise in 3 weeks. As TexasGuy127 said, not 100% "normal" but it will be substantially more tolerable than what you're feeling right now.

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