Hello, I(44yr) had to undergo circumcision surgery due to pin hole phimosis. My surgery(general anasthesia) was over around 3pm on 12Sep. Unfortunately in the evening one of the stitches came out and there was significant bleeding. The doctor stitched it again. Things are going ok till now. No major bleeding. I don't have much pain. I was on antibiotics and pain killer which ended on 7 th day post op. Doctor saw me on 7th day and said it is healing well.
The issues I am having are:
1. My urine stream is broken (resembling sprinkler). When I pee siting it is broken at start then for some time the straight stream is there and again it is broken at the end. Is it normal? I am afraid of meatal stenosis.
2. I am peeing too many times and at the end I get a feeling of retention. Before also I used to pee more than normal (I tend to drink 3-4 litres water per day(i don't drink tea or coffee but lot of fruits lentil soup etc). Not sure if it is bladder/prostate issue or due to circumcision.
Feedback will be appreciated. Thanks.