Very swollen & sensitive post circumcision - Men's Health Forum

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Very swollen & sensitive post circumcision

Anon20 profile image
53 Replies

Hi guys!

This is my first ever post so hopefully all goes well haha. I had a circumcision on the 2nd of July (4 days ago) due to phimosis.

I don’t regret my decision in doing so at all, but I just have a few questions if anyone could help, especially if you’ve experienced circumcision yourself!

1: When does the sensitivity reduce? As I still can’t wear any clothing and I feel like I’m going insane lol

2: At the bottom of the head of my penis, the swelling is like a whole ring around my penis, when will this start to go down?

Thank you to whoever reads this and I look forward to hearing some responses :)

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53 Replies

Hi. I’m am now gone 6 weeks since the op and I am still sensitive down there but not as much still get gasp moments though every so often . Think the “ring” swelling started disappearing for me after the 5th week. Hope this helps don’t hesitate to msg if u want more of my experiences lol

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Wow I’m so happy to get a quick response so thank you! When were you able to start wearing clothing again? It’ll be my brothers graduation on the 8th day post op and I really don’t wanna miss it but don’t see any other option but to right now. This really upsets me tbh

in reply toAnon20

What I did that early on is wear men’s incontinance pads on tight underwear to stop it moving with some original petroleum Vaseline to stop it sticking. Others my say differently with just tight underwear

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The men’s incontinance pads you can get in Tesco as they are thick which can give some protection too aswell as keeping things still lol

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

I’ll be sure to try those out! Where in Tesco’s can they be found? Haha

It’s just hard to have anything touch it though, even trying to apply Vaseline is basically impossible that’s why I’m so worried:( like it’s unbearable so I’m just always stuck in my room naked lol

in reply toAnon20

That’s not a bad thing atm ;) lol. But you will find a way of applying it easier than u think my glans were never exposed so u could emagine how sensitive mine was try getting a load on your finger and try spreading it firstly without ur finger actually touching the glans. Once it’s got a bit of covering it was easier. I also spread some within the pad too

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Also once you get over the initial embarrassment of wearing the pads I wore them till I could see no spots of blood on the pad then tried tight underwear only

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

I’m definitely gonna try this! What isle would the pads be down? I’m not embarrassed to wear them, anything that can help will be great

in reply toAnon20

They are normally down where the ladies pantyliners etc are etc but every Tesco store is different with their layout lol but generally round there

melbouneman81 profile image
melbouneman81 in reply to

I've found tight underwear feels more comfortable too.

Hey mate, I had mine on the exact same day. I’ve been going crazy about the sensitivity but what I tried today was placing a soft bit of fabric inside my boxers and wearing tight boxers, this means you don’t move about but also it gets used to touching fabric. As for the ring, is it around the stitches just under the head? Because I’m the same but mine only covers half of my penis

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Oh cool, what fabric did you place in your boxers, I just tried putting tissue in there today with some Vaseline on but even that was bad! And yeah the ring is around the stitches just under the head

in reply toAnon20

I’m not sure where you can get them as the hospital gave me them but they’re called Topper 8 5x10 wound swabs. Hopefully the ring goes and is normal but looks like the inside has reached the outside ahah

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to buy them! Did the topper things really help then?

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Also, did you wrap your penis in the bandage thing or did you like place one on the bottom of your penis and one on the top?

in reply toAnon20

I have done something similar sometimes. I just add Vaseline as an adhesion and attach it on top and bottom.

in reply toAnon20

Mate, be super careful about using tissues that aren't made for wounds. They should be called compresses and such. They are made of non-woven materials,it says on the box. I read about someone who used toilet paper and similar and it stuck to his wound and caused immense pain. Use vaseline as a middle-layer for whatever you're doing/wearing. Even if naked, use vaseline. My surgeon gave me a piece of paper after the surgery and using Vaseline was mentioned like eight times. After each visit to the toilet, add vaseline to a compress and just lightly slather it everywhere. I bought three tubes of Vaseline and 3x100 package of compresses non-woven.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to take this advice, so add a compress thing to the top and bottom of the penis and keep adding Vaseline? Does the Vaseline help reduce sensitivity?

in reply toAnon20

I haven't noticed Vaseline stops the desensitization process remarkably. I think the important part is that Vaseline will help to prevent stuff from sticking/rubbing and providing a barrier for stuff to enter. You are correct about the application method. If you are 100% set out on going to your brothers party but aren't desensitized enough you can buy some rolls of gauze bandage and wrap it around some compresses around the penis. Tape it with medical tape if the bandage isn't self-adhesive. If you do this you're basically replicating the bandage you got from the hospital and it will 100% stop the feeling. Make a small hole in front for piss. Make sure vaseline is in the bottom layer so it can be removed later.

But generally you should do what I do in my other reply, "man up" and wear your preferred boxers with some Vaseline and perhaps a incontinence pad for eventual blood drippings and walk more and more each day. If you start now you should be able to walk normally by the time you see your brother, perhaps a bit slower.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

I do agree I need to man up as you say haha, I literally just tried basically a woman’s pad (as I don’t have men’s ones atm) and Vaseline and I put some boxers on, but the pain was still excruciating! Like it really was that bad! I don’t think I can explain how bad it is :( I think to go to the graduation I will need to wear a bandage!

in reply toAnon20

Hey mate, trust me I know it. I had it too and still have it. My head hasn't been exposed to open air for more than 10 minutes my entire life and suddenly it's been in the open for 4 soon 5 days! Imagine removing a toenail but this is 10x more sensitive. Don't take it off now, just take five super easy steps. Let it take one minute. Take five more. If you're done for today after that fine but that is still 10 more steps than yesterday. We can do this buddy. This is the worst pain (or well, sensitivity) I've experienced in my 20 years of life but in one month we'll be good. We just have to work on it.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

It’s true, I’ll just have to push myself everyday as much as I can! We’ve got this

in reply toAnon20

We do. I'm gonna take a shower now and then sleep, hoping for as few erections or none as possible! I haven't had one good night's sleep since the operation. Can't wait until stitches are out.

Hello. I also had mine on July 2nd. In the beginning I thought oh no, what have I done but then I remembered I had extremely tight foreskin that hurt that couldn't be stretched and that what's done is done. The first day I was naked but then I told myself I want to get back to real life as soon as possible, I want to be the way I was July 1st just a foreskin lighter. So I'm just biting the bullet right now and doing uncomfortable things. Currently I wear tight sport briefs (made with polyester,not cotton) with an incontinence pad and some Vaseline. When I Go to sleep I remove the pad so I only have briefs +Vaseline. On the 8 day mark I'm gonna go back to normal cotton briefs and I have planned to stop using incontinence pads by day 12. The problem is the head is very sensitive, if you don't expose yourself to the uncomfortable you'll just delay the process. I measure my steps taken with an app in My phone. I try to add 500 steps everyday until I can reach what I used to walk everyday. On July 4th I could barely take 500 steps with the briefs+pad brushing up while I walked like I had shat my pants, today I took 2000 steps while walking upright with slightly pointed out toes than normal,walking at maybe 60% my ordinary pace. I notice improvement everyday. Today has been much easier when it comes to sitting/standing up.

Just bite the bullet and expose yourself to the uncomfortable. I think it's the only way. Maybe don't overstrain ourselves these first 7 days, just super easy improvement, then increase more and more.

As said we both had it on the same date so I hope that we'll bump into each other soon on these forums and we can see each other improving! Just made this journey much less lonely, even though I noticed at least 5 more People getting the same operation as me when I was in the clinic just on that day - I think not a lot of people talk about this subject out loud.

Anon20 profile image

That’s very very true! I’m glad there is someone else who also is going through the exact same journey as me! Only problem is, I want to bite the bullet and deal with the pain but it instantly makes my jolt and want to just get whatever is touching it, off of me.

So do you just wear an incontinence pad or like the actual underwear?

in reply toAnon20

I wear the pad during the day and just take them out before I sleep. The briefs are more hurting than the pad but once you fall asleep you won't wake from sensitivity (only erections if you get those) so what is happening during sleep is actually desensitization without you noticing it! So try to wear a bit more uncomfortable stuff during the night, for example taking the pad out.

I know about the jolts but honestly just take it super super slow. Take 10 steps, rest and take 10 more. Build your stamina up slowly. Maybe take something for pain, although most pain medications dont do shit for sensitivity as they are other receptors. I think the only thing that would help if something dulled your mind entirely. But as always - desensitization happens in the background whether you feel it or not. So try to do stuff while keeping your mind on other things, perhaps chewing gum or watching something and as said sleeping.

Anon20 profile image

I think maybe tonight I’ll try sleep with some loose shorts on? That could help me out

in reply toAnon20

It will definitely help! Put them on and then lay still as you sleep if it's uncomfortable. When you move in your sleep you won't wake up from the sensitivity but it'll work to desensitize. Good luck tonight.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Thank you so much for the advice, and I hope you have a great nights sleep:)

in reply toAnon20

May our night erections be as non-existent as possible.

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I didn’t think I would be able to walk at all but every day I slowly get better and it’s quite reassuring. On a side note, has anyone had an discharge at all from around the stitches? Today I got an erection and now I have a bit of discharge coming out sometimes. It’s never a lot but ever time I wipe it away it’s enough for a small dot on a tissue. Just seeing if it’s nayural or I should check it for an infection

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

Are you able to wear any clothing? It’s not that I have pain in any other way, it’s literally just the sensitivity! And I haven’t had any discharge, what colour is it if you don’t mind me asking?

in reply toAnon20

From today I was able to wear boxers but I’ve had no reason to leave the house so haven’t tried anything else. It’s yellow, it’s not a lot it’s as if it was one drop of a syringe. Just not exactly ideal but from what I’ve seen it’s potentially natural it’s just a reaction

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply to

What day are you on again? Hopefully all gets better real soon! And no I’m pretty sure it’s fine, as long as it’s all clean and it hasn’t happened again it should all be fine!

in reply toAnon20

Had it July 2nd! Going on holiday in a couple of weeks so trying everything to get back to normal ahah. Hope it works out well for you bro!

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Hey, if it's just yellow-ish drops and not "creamy"/cloudy, doesnt smell bad, isn't too red and you don't have a fever you're generally ok. It's lymphatic fluid which aids the healing process.

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Yeah it’s just droplets I believe, hard to tell as it’s obviously coming out very slowly but it does not hurt and is incredibly small

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You don't have to be worried, I also have those

BASainty profile image

Hey Anon hope the healing is going well! I had my circumcision 8 days a go and thought you may receive some comfort (no pun intended) from my experience early on.

My bandage came off the day after my surgery and I became REALLY conscious of the fact my head is totally exposed for the fist time (I had phimosis). For the next couple days I didn't wear any bottoms and was getting quite anxious of the idea of something touching the head and it being ultra sensitive.

By day 4 I began wearing boxers (I opted for loose fitting soft cotton ones) and I was determined to at last take a short walk round the block. It wasn't a comfortable experience. I was walking like I had just shat myself and the slightest tough on the tip was enough to make me cringe.

The next day i had a revelation. I had realised that the head was coming into contact with more things than I was aware (leg, bottom of stomach, pubic hair, boxers etc.). I realised that I was convincing myself that anything I do or touch is going to be sensitive and then going to hurt which was generating anxiety.

As soon as I was able to get over that thought I have noticed things are much more comfortable. I can wear loose fitted clothing, drive and go back to work (where I'm currently in the middle of a night shift typing this.).

The only things that are causing uncomfortable sensivity is excess pressure on it and erections.

I'm not saying it will work with everyone, but mind of matter can be a huge asset.

Hope this ramble helps! It's kept me awake while doing the graveyard shift.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply toBASainty

Wow well thank you! Sorry to hear that you’re on shift btw haha, hopefully it’s goes quick:) I do think that mind over matter goes a long way! I’m about to go bed and try to sleep with some shorts on, if I can’t then I won’t put myself in unnecessary pain, but I’m going to try my best because I want to be able to at least walk around the house fine! So the first time you wore boxers or any clothing, how bad was it?

BASainty profile image
BASainty in reply toAnon20

Personally I find sleeping with nothing on and just using a thin bed sheet quite comfortable especially in this weather plus its allowing the penis to breath rather than just all sweaty and sticky.

First time wearing boxers wasn't the most comfortable experience due to sensitivity rather than outright pain. But I grit my teeth and bared with it. Again with the loose boxers as it allowed breathing room so nothing was getting stuffy. I just took things carefully and walked around the house and towards the end of the day there were improvements.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply toBASainty

We’re you able to bare with the pain or you had to take them off after a short while?

BASainty profile image
BASainty in reply toAnon20

First couple days I would take them off when it was getting a bit too much but by day 4 I kept them on and gritted my teeth. After powering through the first day everything is so much easier. I can wear anything I want and sit how ever I like now and sensation is quite muted.

Maybe because I got through the worst bit and maybe a bit of mind over matter has helped. Everyone is different. As far as my recovery I've been quite successful. Very little swelling, no bruising, no bleeding or weeping at all and adjusted to the sensitivity quite well.

The tip and under side of the head is the most sensitive but as long as I don't knock it on anything I've been fine.

paulwheeler15 profile image

Expect swelling in lots of different forms and sensitivity for a good couple of weeks. I'm still sensitive, although better, 7 months later. The swelling is horrible but will go after a couple of weeks tho. Keep it's as clean as you can. And I can't recommend enough the benefit of tight fitting underwear. Briefs not shorts. They reduce movement which helps you move around in a more normal fashion. Good luck

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply topaulwheeler15

Thank you, I mean I’m gonna keep trying but so far no improvements with the sensitivity because it really is just that bad. I’ve genuinely thought about applying numbing cream and then putting clothing on so it gets somewhat used to it haha, I know that may sound insane

paulwheeler15 profile image
paulwheeler15 in reply toAnon20

Thing is, because it's such a horrible sensation and we're just not used to it, we try many different things to help. Remember, time is what is needed more than anything. It's very uncomfortable but it will ease up. But trust me on the tight underwear, you'll be amazed how it helps.

in reply topaulwheeler15

Hello Paul. You just made me scared! Seven months and still sensitive? I suppose that's good for sexual activities but I just want to take a run and do my chores without feeling jolts down there. When were you able to do that? Also, when did you stop being super conscious about hygiene? It's quite an ordeal having to clean after every time I take a leak and being careful using a towel to not damage/infect anything.

paulwheeler15 profile image
paulwheeler15 in reply to

One thing I really kept up on was cleaning carefully. I'm still sensitive but it doesn't stop me doing anything. It's nothing like it was at the beginning. But if something bumps into the tip, say, a towel, I still jerk away. I still wear tight briefs instead of shorts and I can moutain bike and run no problem. But yeah, I never thought it'd last this long and quite frankly it sucks.

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply topaulwheeler15

That does suck! But at least you’re back to normal activities, hopefully it goes more for you so you can be fully comfortable

Anon20 profile image

Sorry I’m not comfortable posting a picture of that

Anon20 profile image

I have figured out what’s causing the unbearable pain! My stitches are kind of poking out, and they’re very sharp which is digging into my skin when I try put any kind of clothing on. So hopefully, when they go it will be at least bearable to wear clothes, still painful but I won’t have stitches digging in to me!

At such more ease now that I know why it has been so bad

needsomehelp88 profile image

I’m 4 weeks post op and I still have some swelling to go down, for me the sensitivity has more or less gone, the first week or 2 are the hardest because you need to get used to being circumcised and it can be very uncomfortable especially wearing clothes however if you can wrap it up with gauze pads to help protect it and to stop the pain if you need to go out, just make sure you rub some Vaseline on it to stop it sticking and it’s best to take it off with help from some warm water (shower or bath) this is what I had to do for a couple of weeks while I was working and I have a manual job and found no problems with doing this, like I said first couple weeks are the hardest and you do worry a lot but as long as keep it clean and dry you will be fine and will start to see some changes after a couple weeks, if you are still worried then best to see your doctor to make sure 👍

Anon20 profile image
Anon20 in reply toneedsomehelp88

Thank you! This has put me at ease to know I’m not the only one! I did try the gauze pads but they were still painful to apply because of the stitches I think, I’m gonna give it a good few more days until I try again

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