i'm 19 years old and my penis is about 1 inch long is it normal or its need to be bigger?
small penis: i'm 19 years old and my... - Men's Health Forum
small penis

everyone is different I would say you are under average size but wouldn’t worry as long as everything works fine and you have good health

Is that your erect length? Are you able to ejaculate?
If everything works then size doesn't matter, if you're worried consult a health professional for reassurance.

it might be worth your while arranging to see an endocrinologist to have your hormones checked. There may be a possibility of some treatment or, if the issue is affecting you greatly, referral to a urologist who can consider surgery.
are you over weight? That can have a big impact on length.
yes, I’m quite a bit overweight
That will be why, your saddle that surround and above will be making it look small, need to lose weight I guess
most of it will be lost within the fatty saddle
Ye its not the largest u have a option of using devices or hormone therapy to increase nephew used and now 22 and 8in lad
If you're heterosexual, remember that most women are more interested in the owner of the penis than the penis itself and their sensitivity to sexual arousal is often less about size and more about tenderness, affection and consideration to her preferences, which are often more centred on the clitoris, not deep penetration. My wife used to orgasm much more readily by finger stimulation to the outer vulval area and clitoris rather than hard penetrative pounding. If you want kids, the sperm, if healthy, will swim to where they need to go, so deep penetration isn't essential to create a pregnancy. As regards looks, again, I don't believe many sexual partners are put off by how our penises look if otherwise erections and ejaculations occur normally.