I had circumcision end of March 18 because my girlfriend tore my banjo string but because I kept getting thrush and UTI's, I opted for circumcision rather than frenuloplasty.
Following my operation I've done what the doctors have told me and had one infection since which has since been treated but I've had this lump form under the head of my penis which has not changed since the day of my operation.
I can masterbate and have sex but appearance wise it just looks disfigured. I've went back to the doctor and they told me it will go away after time and I would have to wait 2 months for a Urologist to take my case seriously. I then got a second opinion and finally I'm being referred back to the urologist but there is an 18 week waiting list.
I've looked online at cysts and tried squeezing it, pulling it, pricking it with a pin to try and drain the fluid out, putting ice on it... anything but medication (because I don't know what I'm looking for) but nothing has worked. I'm very self conscious on the appearance of my member because I don't want to date girls and have them look at it and think it looks cancerous or something and whilst I don't regret having circumcision, I do want a normal looking penis at the same time but I don't want to be pushed out the door by the urologist who will tell me it will go away after time either... I think after 4 months it's safe to say it's not going to go away.
What can this be though? I doubt it's keloid scars or balanitis but I need some help or direction or advice, has anyone else had what I have? and if so, what was the best treatment?
If anyone can help me with this then I would really apprieciate it