Hey forum, I'm 17 years old and I cannot pull my foreskin back over my head to clean properly and I was told that this may lead to an infection if I cannot clean it, do I need to go see my doctor right away or are there any tips to pulling it back that would save me that trip to the doctors? Thanks in advance
Cannot pull back foreskin to clean inside - Men's Health Forum
Cannot pull back foreskin to clean inside

Thanks a lot Aaron, I googled exercises and have started doing them last night, it seems to help a little bit but I also have this other problem that I'm not too sure if it's normal or Not, sometimes when I'm masturbating instead of just semen there is like a white foam every once in awhile I'm not sure if this is normal or Not so I. Just wondering if you would also be able to give me advice on this also if I should go see the GP or Not, thanks a lot because your post made me feel better because I wasn't sure if it would lead to an infection or not. *edit* It doesn't burn the tip of my penis or anything
No problem!
The white foam is also normal! When sexually excited, most men create ‘pre-ejaculate’, more commonly known as ‘pre-cum’ which has a few functions, but mainly acts as a lubricant for sexual activity. With masturbation or sex, especially for uncircumcised men, this pre-cum can get frothed up into a foam with the movement of the skin and foreskin over the penis.
Every man is different when it comes to the amount of pre-cum they create, and of course how their body responds to sexual excitement, so don’t worry about this sometimes happening and sometimes not! It’s entirely normal and nothing to worry about. Hope that helps.

Thanks Aaron, it really did help a lot and now I'm not as worried as what I was before aha
Dear Aaron Mclaren, or is is it Aaron Hall?, I seldom heard so much nonsense! Smegma being soap?! Come on, you can't be serious! Smegma in Old Greek means soap, OK, but in this case it just refers to a substance that looks like soap or is soap-alike but in fact is a dirty, stinky secretion. It's very important that a man can properly retract his foreskin to wash away the smegma. Smegma certainly doesn't have a cleaning function whatsoever!
Thanks! I read "In severe cases, it can cause balanitis, or inflammation of the glans". Thanks but no thanks, I prefer being circumcised and having a penis without smegma!!