Hello! I am 27 years and I have underwent Circumcision + Frenuloplasty Surgery 6weeks+5days back (due to tight foreskin & frenulum). It was done using Absorbable Suture Technique (probably Vicryl suture was used). Sutures did not dissolve by its own, so my doctor removed them manually 1 month after the surgery. It has been 15 days since my sutures are removed.
Since right after the surgery itself, I was having this SWELLING (EDEMA) on the lower side of the penis, just before the glans starts (i.e. Ventral side, where the Glans meets the Shaft of the penis). This is also the area from where the suture line used to pass.
This swelling is typically MAXIMUM in the EARLY MORNING when I wake up...and Reduces as the day passes...it is LEAST in the LATE EVENING.
I found that When my penis remains in Straight Vertical position, Swelling Reduces...and when Penis remains bent or hanging, the swelling increases.
Swelling also reduces when I wear Tight underwear & increases in loose underwear / no underwear.
I do NOT have any Pain, Bleeding, Redness, Itching, Allergy, Inflammation or any other problem.
But sometimes due to excessive swelling I get Discomfort in Walking/Activities.
Initially my doctor had told me that the swelling will reduce after 4-5 weeks of surgery, but There is absolutely No change in the swelling (even after suture removal). I am in regular follow up of my doctor and he is still saying that there is nothing to worry - swelling may take time.
I also know that many people take months to recover from swelling....but I am concerned & worried because there is NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT REDUCTION IN SWELLING IN LAST 5-6 WEEKS.
It is really difficult to maintain 'Vertical Position' of penis & 'wearing Tight Underwear' 24x7.
I am worried that such swelling may hamper Sex in future -OR- Swelling becomes Permanent with Bad Look.
[I am applying Virgin Coconut Oil twice per day on the glans & scar line for moisturizing (no benefit in swelling). I was advised a course of Antibiotic, AntiAllergy & AntiInflammatory medications, but nothing changed.]
Did anybody face any similar issue? What to do for it?
I want Advise from All of you... who have got Circumcised / Who are Doctors/Experts..
Please see the PHOTOES from the links mentioned below.
There are 8 pictures on following link. I have Put Titles Describing their time & problem on every photo....
Please help!