Does anyone else have a spouse who gives them a hard time for taking meds? It's so hard and demoralizing. Can't stop crying.
Does anyone else have a spouse who gi... - Major Depressive ...
Does anyone else have a spouse who gives them a hard time for taking meds? It's so hard and demoralizing.

no glad I don`t ask them what they would rather have taking meds and being a bit more stable in life or taking nothing and being all over the place.
Yes. "If you take that, then I will..." Not the best way for me.
I’m divorced but my family doesn’t understand and that’s really hard to deal with. My mom said the other day, just don’t think about it??? She said I thought you were on antidepressants and I am but they are working as good as they should. My meds got all messed up last Fall because of terrible side effects of Rexulti and I was just immediately taken off my psych meds. Since then this bout of my anxiety and depression have been the worst ever. I’m just now beginning with the help of my psychiatrist to get semi normal on my new antidepressants. It’s terribly hard dealing with the pain of anxiety and depression without having to deal with our family who doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about. Hang in there. Maybe have your psychiatrist or therapist talk with your husband maybe that might help. Good luck!
Ask him if he would tell a heart disease person to stop taking their meds. You have an illness that attacks your will to live. Depression is deadly. Don't listen to "Oh you're fine now, you don't need those meds anymore." I have fallen in that trap. Remember if you are doing better it means your meds are working. I sadly share that people who don't have it can try to understand but only those of us who have depression understand it. It sucks. I've learned not to talk about it. sigh..
I'm so much less tolerant than others due to personal experience. I was diagnosed at 16 with what used to be called manic depression. I was in a youth mental hospital before I knew it. My father didn't believe in mental illness, just that I wasn't strong enough to handle life. 2 weeks into my stay was our first family counseling session. 5 min into the session the counselor suggested librium and continued family counseling. I could see my father's face RED, MAD. He grabbed my mother with one hand, me with the other and said, she just needs to toughen up and he'd be damned if some ignorant counselor was going to blame him or mother for my issues. My symptoms continued. His house his rules. So I moved in with a friend's family and began the cycle of self medication. Please get away from this man as much as you can. Abuse is abuse whether physical or mental.
I'm so sorry.
Thanks for not judging. I will get a small pension in 3 years, but I am losing the will to live everyday. Just trying to take it one hour at a time.
Try taking them when he's not around. Maybe he'll forget. I don't judge. If you need to talk feel free to pm. In the meantime I will pray 🙏 for you
Thank you Herewegoagain12. Yeah, I never take meds in front of him but he knows cause I go to the psychiatrist and pick up the meds. I will pray for you too. Don't understand how to pm - can you explain when you get a chance. Thank you! (Have to go out w him now so might not get back to you for a few hours). Hope you're doing ok.
Thank you Herewegoagain12. Yeah, I never take meds in front of him but he knows cause I go to the psychiatrist and pick up the meds. I will pray for you too. Don't understand how to pm - can you explain when you get a chance. Thank you! (Have to go out w him now so might not get back to you for a few hours). Hope you're doing ok.
I’m sorry that he does that. People who don’t struggle with this just cannot understand. I’ve been convinced of that. I’ve been attending Depressed Anonymous meetings online and it really helps to talk with people who do understand. Prayers for you.