I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder over 5 years ago. It started with speech therapy but didn’t seem to help. I’ve been medicated since then but it doesn’t feel like it’s doing its job anymore. The last couple years have been a rollercoaster with changing meds multiple times, worsening depression, and what seems like a never ending list of side effects - either from my meds, my diagnosis, or an undiagnosed additional issue that hasn’t been identified yet. 😔
Unfortunately, I’m realizing I have been a depressive my entire life. I remember having episodes when I was younger but sometime in my early tween/teen years it laid its claws in and never let go. I feel like I am alone all the time; it’s hard to connect with others when it feels like they just don’t understand you deeply. I have my husband and three amazing children but it just feels like they don’t get me on my level. I’ve also suffered a lot of trauma in my life. Things I didn’t realize were traumas until now; until I was much older and realizing how much those experiences shaped me - triggers and such.
Lately, there’s been no light at the end of the tunnel. Every morning I wake up angry and then immediately tearful. I don’t sleep. I am in pain all the time - emotional , mental, and physical. The physical pain keeps me from doing so much. I can’t concentrate at work or do anything at home. There are so many important things being missed because of this pain. My kiddos have suffered because of this too. I have so much anger and resentment because of it.
About a year ago now, I think I had a breakdown. I woke up one morning and I could barely function. I couldn’t put pressure on my feet to walk myself to the bathroom, my hands hurt so bad I couldn’t pull the covers back to get out of bed, my stomach was in knots all the time, I had a never ending headache, and I couldn’t stop crying. It didn’t stop for two straight months. Eventually, the crying slowed, the foot pain got better, the hand pain shifted, and the headaches went away. With different meds, the crying slowed and my mood lightened some. I was able to go back to work full-time but still worked from home half the time. My pain has intensified again. I’m not able to stay in one position for too long. Concentration is hard to come by. I’m tearful 24/7/365. I can’t stand talking to anyone on-the-phone or in-person; I can’t get through a full sentence without crying. I’m so tired all the time but I can’t sleep without being medicated and it’s not restful. I don’t enjoy anything, especially my favorite things. I work from home. I hardly leave my house.
I cannot live like this. I cannot let the people down who depend on me. My boys means everything to me. They are the reason I don’t let the darkness win. But I don’t have anyone to share this with; not on this level.