I’ve had MDD since around age 18, maybe younger and I’m now 64! It’s been an utter nightmare. Long story short, ended up marrying an abuser ( I can see why) was so ill I couldn’t function, so many different meds with awful side effects. So many years gone… I finally walked out 4 years ago with everything I could fit in my car and the dog! Went to stay with my daughter in another State.
I cannot describe how sad and lost and what a failure I feel like .. I cannot shake it. The time has gone. My husband loved to hurt me and to keep me down and I fought every single day to try and get better but how can you when you’re on the wrong meds and being abused. I do try to think come on.. you can do it, but that lasts for a while then it’s back to feeling so sad and lost. My family didn’t care.
I feel I’m actually grieving a life I could never have. I wanted a career and it was never remotely possible, I was too ill. I work as a caregiver and I do try to think be proud you’re doing something but it’s this grief….
I looked to hike and I keep fit and feel much younger but can’t stand these feelings as not being good enough.
Just wanted to vent I guess, I’m on Wellbutrin which does work, it gets me out of bed and I can do things, it’s these overwhelming feelings.
I’ve been to quite a few therapists but then they hear what happens to me always just say it’s amazing you’re still alive, you’re so strong but I don’t need to hear that, I need help.
Thanks for listening xxx