I am new here and am a s/a victim/survivor.That being said, I have a hard time trusting people. Right now I am seriously struggling with this Trump election. I can't understand people betraying one another.
I don't understand how people are voting to dehumanizing women. To believe the lies of two proven and admitted liars. To honestly believe that this person who has vowed revenge on those that have talked against him. To have a woman see what it would feel like to have 9 guns pointed at her face. To round up immigrants by the millions on day one using military force.
To me, this hurts my soul and I have lost all faith in people. This has caused my depression and anxiety to be on overload. I don't know how to deal with it. My husband tells me I am being ridiculous, it is just politics. It's more than that. It is my trust and faith and understanding people. It does not compute.