Hi.. first time here.
Feeling alone in my life and searching for connection has led me here. I’ve suffered from really bad depression and anxiety on and off my whole life. It’s been worse the past five years or so. I recently lost my husband, dad, then my sister.
The grief of all of them I’ve never really come back from. Mostly my sister. I went on medication for the first time 3 years ago and it’s been a roller coaster up and down. What works. What doesn’t. What makes me worse.
I have remarried and moved. I have a house now. Things that I should be happy for. But it’s hard for me to feel joy most days. Which then leaves me to feel guilty. Like I’m wasting my gift of being on this earth.
I recently went off of my anxiety medication abilify because it made me gain so much weight and it’s made me horribly depressed. It’s awful.
I don’t work anymore. I wouldn’t be able to even keep a job if I wanted to. I have fatigue all the time now between the meds and low iron. I’m thankful I can stay home and my husband works, I just want to be happy. But lately I’m so lonely. Isolated. I feel no one understands what it’s like. I told my mom today I was so anxious. She told me to “just fight it”. As if I don’t do that everyday of my life as it is.
I’ve lost pretty much all my friends over the years. I have some people I text with but no one I can go see in person or connect with. My sister was my best friend. My world. Without her I don’t understand what my life looks like anymore. I don’t have kids either. So I feel like I’m just completely alone. It makes the depression worse.
My mom lives close and I see her often when I’m in a good mood it helps. But when I’m bad like today or this week I’m numb to it, if that makes sense.
I don’t want to go back on the anxiety meds so I’m hoping with more time I feel better.
I hope maybe someone can relate or connect with me on here. I’d love to talk or find a friend. I don’t know what else to say and I’m sorry if I’m all over the place this is what I could sum up right now.